Photo is of Sage!

Unedited || Sages POV ; Published 08/11/22

***Nine months later***

Alarm starts to go off; **Buzzz Buzzz Buzzz**

Groaning, I roll over and smack the snooze button on my alarm. Deciding it's probably best if I just get out of bed so I get off one leg at a time. I go to my dresser and pick out some workout clothes, a matching sports bra and shorts in the color orange. I was feeling a little vibrant this morning, I walk into my bathroom across the hall and quickly change into my outfit. I brush my teeth, and then I comb through my hair pulling it back into a loose ponytail. It's time to go on my morning jog, every morning since the holiday I have been taking a 30-1 hr jog to help me feel better about myself. Before I forget let me catch you up on a few things...

The past few months have flew by, I mean seriously. Kyle and I have been officially dating now for about 7 months since October. The new year came by so fast and I can't believe 2019 is finally here at last. In two more months I am going to be 18 years old I don't know if I'm quite ready to be honest. I wish time would slow down so I could enjoy the moments. My mother finally moved out to California and it turns out she has been seeing somebody out there for quite some time now. Her illness has actually been progressing she now is able to walk on her own again, luckily I was able to spend some of the holiday with her. I don't see my dad often anymore he usually spends his days working in the office away. It's usually just me and Sam home for dinner these days. 

Anyways back to reality. I grab my headphone and turn my morning playlist on shuffle. I put on my tennis shoes and run out the door heading towards the back end of our small suburb neighborhood. The air is quite cool and crisp this early morning it's so quiet you might just hear the music from my headphones if you listen hard enough. The sun is starting to rise and this is my favorite part of my early jog, just me and the world the rest is history. I slowly start quickening my pace enjoying the way the breeze feels as it flows through my ponytail. I wish these moments could last forever, but I know I have to get back home to start my day. I keep a steady pace as I turn around at the cul-de-sac and make my way back home. As I arrive home I slip my shoes off and slip them into the corner where nobody will  notice them. I decide on a light breakfast this morning and pull my pre-made protein shake and a granola bar out of the refrigerator. 

I sit down at the table and pull out my cellphone to text Kyle.

Me: Good morning babe!!

Kyle: Good morning can't wait to see you today. 

Me: Me either are we still on for three?

Kyle: Yep I will text you when to come over

Smiling I turn my phone off and finish my breakfast. Kyle has been a fairytale come true, I've never had someone treat me as well as he did. I truly felt like I was living the dream. Since it was only about seven in the morning I figured I would go shower and maybe or maybe not run a few errands. 

I go upstairs and turn the shower on steaming hot. I was sweating my ass off from this jog I definitely needed it. About 40 long minutes later, when my bathroom was all fogged up I got out satisfied with how clean I was feeling. I grabbed a towel wrapped it around my body and walked across the hall to my bedroom. Plopping onto my bed I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through social media, would I really be a teenage if I didn't sit on my bed for an hour in towel doing absolutely nothing. I finally decided I better get dressed as it was now almost 11am and I needed to at least do something with my life today. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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