Chapter 5

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The next morning comes with a sound of lock being open. Zee is the first to be alert from the noise. Nunew still deep in his dream after a long sleepless night. The Alpha pull him closer to his embrace as a protection against any danger behind the door.

"Alpha they are here."

"James,help us out."

Alpha Zee lift Nunew up bridal style while the younger rest by his shoulder. When Nunew let out a protest whine with his eyes still close, Zee shush him gently. James guide Zee back to where the others are gathered.

The argument wake Nunew up from his long rest.When he open his eye,he still from his position. Zee look down to the younger and smile reassuring him. He sign Zee to let him down and the older comply.

"You are really challenging my nerve Win"  Alpha Perd control his anger .

"Like I said ,take what yours Alpha Perd and leave the others behind."

"You know you are holding my sons in your custody"

"Then go on .Take the Omega son's of yours home like I care."

"I won't leave without Alpha Zee going with us."

"Aren't you here for your son?"

"Both of them are." Perd answer with confidence.

"Ohh what is this?Brother Zee get adopted or what" Win find it funny while Zee growl in anger. His fingers close in a fist.

"What seem to be the commotion here?" Zee's father shows up and both him and Win bow in respect.


"What more ruckus are you making ai Win." the Alpha father ask.

"I'm taking care of it well father. No need to worry."

"I heard of what you've been doing behind my back.I order you to take over my pack for a while does not mean that you can cause trouble anyway you want."

"I don't dare father."

"Even though Zee is not part of my pack's anymore,it is not a free pass for you to treat him however you wanted."

"I apologise for our behaviour father.Solving this fight is not impossible it's just our own ego that prevents us to do so." Zee say

"Zee you are still my son.I apologise if what I did to you and your mother make you hate me more."

"The past should be left in the past father. I might resent you when I'm younger but I already forgive you long since."

"I'm sorry once again son."

Win tch in spite. Their father ordered him to release Nunew and Zee. Let them be on their way back without adding more burden to his packs. He watch them go while standing still.He promise to himself if ever Zee and him cross each other's line.He won't be that kind next time.

Nunew swing himself to Perd's embrace.The younger being calm by his father in that moment.

"So how did you find us?" Nunew ask

"Yim been keeping an eye on you all the time.When things get ugly he rushed back to report it to me."

"Brother Yim is here all the time?"

"Yes I am"

"Why didn't you show yourself and free me?I was alone in the cold dungeon for so long." Nunew hit his brother's arm in irritation

"But Alpha Zee is with you in the end aren't he?" Yim whisper to the younger ears.

"Yim !!"

"Now-now that's enough,let's go back home Nunew."

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