Chapter 37 - Never Be The Same Again

Start from the beginning

Phil shook his head, “Just apologise for hitting her so we can all move on, we  have bigger issues than whether or not Lee is lying!” he snapped back then shook his head again, “I'm going to go see my son, back later.” And he stormed out the house quickly, slamming the front door shut behind him in the process.

“Good one Douglas.” I muttered, knowing his full name was going to tick him off even more.

“Shut the hell up Leila!” he bellowed, going red in the face.

Smirking, “I want my apology and I want it now.”

“You get your damn apology when you stop lying your ass off!” he snapped back but picked his chair up slowly and sat down, glaring at me once more.

This was going to be a long day with a lot more yelling and insults being thrown back and forth before this is resolved, so I sighed loudly and looked over at Baden, “Do you mind giving us some privacy, we need to have a sibling yelling match for awhile.” I smiled and Dougy glared harder at me.

Baden shook his head as his eyes glued to the back of Dougy’s head, “I'm not giving him the chance to hit you again.” He growled.

Groaning, “It wasn’t the first time and it won’t be the last, he always hits me when I’ve ‘gone too far’ according to him, we just need time to sort it out now. Though he has never hit me that hard before.” and I shot Dougy daggers.

Baden’s eyes snapped to mine with fury and I clicked on quickly, “I hit him too, it’s okay. I even plan on hitting him before the day is out and I'm going to make it a shiner too.” I flashed him a quick grin.

He opened his mouth to argue back but Dougy spun around in his seat and shot him down, “Just piss off! This has nothing to do with you right now, she’s your girlfriend but my sister!”

“Dougy!” I snapped.

“Watch how you speak to me!” Baden growled over top of me, fury etched in his eyes and lacing his tone, “You may be her brother but I'm still in charge around here!” then he too stormed out but stopped by my side long enough to plant a soft kiss on my forehead which felt weird considering how angry he is right now.

“Good going Dougy.” I mumbled once Baden was gone.

“I'm sorry for hitting you.” He grunted quietly, looking down at the table and I smirked.

“You have never been able to say it in front of others, have you?” I teased, knowing that I needed everyone to leave before he would apologise. He has only ever said it once in front of Phil and it was a slip of his tongue but that is why Phil now thinks he can be the mediator and we can’t be bothered hurting his feelings by telling him it wasn’t due to him being in the room at the time.

“It’s a sign of weakness.” He shrugged.

I scoffed at that and he looked up with a small smile, “I really am sorry, I just snapped.” He said it again with more meaning in it, “Does it hurt still? It’s bruised you know.” And he nodded at my cheek.

Shrugging, “I hurt all over, I took a few falls and hits last night that didn’t just belong to you but I’ll live.” I smiled over at him, “I always do.”

“Yeah, you do.”

We both fell silent for a few minutes, off in our own little worlds. My train of thought went to Frederick down in the basement and just hoping he will give us something so we can end this war and so Amberly will never have to worry about her step brother again.

“I still think they baby you too much though and I'm not taking that bit back.” Dougy broke my thoughts by speaking again.

Looking back over at him I chuckled, “You’ve always thought I was babied though, it’s called ‘older sibling syndrome’, look it up.”

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