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theonlyjeno: good morning

yournana: morning? it's 4am, why are you messaging me?

theonlyjeno: it was a test, why are you up?

yournana: why are YOU up?

theonlyjeno: i just woke up, i went to sleep early.

theonlyjeno: but answer me first, why are you up?

yournana: i don't know

theonlyjeno: did you sleep?

yournana: no

theonlyjeno: you stayed up all night?

yournana: possibly

theonlyjeno: you have to go to sleep jaemin

yournana: i'm not tired though, plus i can't sleep

theonlyjeno: why not?

yournana: nightmares

theonlyjeno: nightmares? do you have someone there to comfort you?

yournana: no lol

theonlyjeno: do your friends know about this?

yournana: yes

theonlyjeno: why don't you ask them to come and help you?

yournana: they're busy..

theonlyjeno: uh huh. and you say you're fine

yournana: i am! i can handle a stupid nightmare jeno. i'm not a baby

theonlyjeno: if you can, then why did you get absolutely no sleep?

yournana: um..

theonlyjeno: if you're scared, you can just say that.

yournana: okay, and what if i am? you're gonna make fun of me?

theonlyjeno: no, i was gonna ask you if i could come over and help you sleep.

yournana: what-

theonlyjeno: your friends can't do it, so why not i do it?

yournana: uh...

theonlyjeno: you don't wanna miss out on this opportunity

yournana: ugh fine! my address is xxxxxx-xxxx-xxx

theonlyjeno: on my way.

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