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theonlyjeno: rise and shineeeeee

theonlyjeno: good morning jaemin

yournana: why are you still messaging me

theonlyjeno: i'm here always

yournana: i don't need you, stop wasting your time

theonlyjeno: i'm sure you'll need me oneeee dayyy

yournana: i don't because i have someone else already

theonlyjeno: what if that someone else can't talk to you when you need it?

yournana: i'll go talk to my other someone

yournana: my last choice is gonna be you

theonlyjeno: why? i said i was good at comforting people

yournana: are you though?

theonlyjeno: you'll only find out when you reach out to me

yournana: okay. so that'll be never

theonlyjeno: come onnn be grateful you have a someone doing this for you. other people are jealous i bet

yournana: other people can take you for all i care

theonlyjeno: wow rude

yournana: i didn't ask for you

theonlyjeno: anyways, how was your day 😊

yournana: my day just started it's still the morning.

theonlyjeno: what'd you eat for breakfast?

yournana: i didn't eat anything yet

theonlyjeno: it'll turn 8 soon, make sure to eat

yournana: why are you so interested?

theonlyjeno: i wanna make sure you eat well and don't skip meals

yournana: okay...for your information, i am eating well and not skipping meals so you don't have to worry.

theonlyjeno: don't lie, go eat right now

yournana: what do you mean don't lie?!

theonlyjeno: don't act stupid jaemin.

yournana: you're so creepy!

theonlyjeno: just looking out for you

yournana: ...

theonlyjeno: go eat breakfast

yournana: yes mother 😒

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