Zitka didn't think twice twice before jumping up onto the sofa in-between them. However, one glance at Alfred's face sent him back down to the floor again.

Stressful situation or not, he knew better. He was only supposed to get on his own couch.

"Hmm, I thought so Zitka."

Alfred quickly shared out the hot chocolate, all the while keeping an ear open for the ringing of a phone.


When Dick first came around it was not to a sight he was expecting to see.

Once his vision finally came into focus a random woman shined a bright light into his eyes before he felt the now familiar sensation of an oxygen mask.

'Oh crap, what happened now?'

A moment passed before his mind and vision finally cleared enough for him to realize where he was.

An ambulance.

As soon as this realization hit him, so did the expected headache.

A soft groan came from his mouth and his fingers started twitching anxiously before he finally saw a familiar face come into view.


"Easy son, you had a rough seizure. Just taking you to get checked out."

Dick slowly blinked up at him.

'And... we needed an ambulance for that?'

His vision started to fade out again as the call of sleep dragged him under.


This time when he awoke, he was startled awake.

By the beeping of his own heart monitor.

His eyes quickly scanned the room... just an ER room. Not an in-patient room.

Alright. Well, that was better than last time.

He stirred a bit, and flexed his limbs to the best of his ability.

Well, nothing was damaged. Even more that is.

Call him paranoid but he half-expected to wake up in the hospital with another injury.

The door to the small room opened and to his surprise... James walked in.

Dick tilted his head slightly, a slight slur forming  in his words.

"This... isn't your floor."

James merely gave a soft smile.

"No but your father was... rather insistent I be the one to look at you."

As if on cue, Bruce quickly walked into the room and sat by Dick's bedside.

"So... what's wrong with me now?"

James let out a soft sigh but didn't look particularly concerned.

"Well, nothing new, luckily. However... I did run a few tests while you were asleep. But, before I get into that I want to examine you closer now that you're awake."

Dick merely nodded and allowed his doctor to shine a light in both his eyes, listen to his heart and breathing, and most importantly his blood pressure.

Once he withdrew his stethoscope he pulled up a stool and sat down beside his patient's bed.

"Everything from this end looks good Richard. Now... about the test. The seizure that you had was more severe than the others you have experienced so far. But only slightly. I'm changing your medication and dosage so we shall see if that has the desired effect. I'm not too concerned at the moment, because that may very well be all that's needed. However... this is the part that you are not going to like."

Dick glanced at Bruce before returning his gaze to the doctor.

"First of all, we need to postpone any walking or strenuous activities for two weeks while we see how your body responds to this new medication. Second of all... we're going to have to keep you in observation for the night and quite possibly into the next day to see how you're doing."

Dick let his head fall back into the pillow and covered his face with a hand.


This time Bruce leaned forward.

"And you caused Tim and Barbara quite a fright, don't think they're going to let you out of their sight when you get home."

Beneath his hand, Dick couldn't help the smile that spread.

Well, he didn't mind that part. Not anymore.

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