Come To Me

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"Just try a few steps Richard."

Dick was currently at one end of the walking bars, with Dr. Aguilar in front of him, gently trying to encourage him.

The feeling in his legs is slowly returning... and the feeling varies from lethargy to pain. Although feeling pain is better than no feeling at all-- Dick is actually missing when he couldn't feel.

At least then there was no pain. 

Funny, back then he was so devastated at being unable to use his legs. And now that there's a chance of him being mobile again, he's afraid of it. 

So long without walking, without feeling...

It took forever just to build muscles up back at the hospital.

Dick's hands shook as he grasped the bars tightly and glanced over to his left, at Bruce.

Bruce's hand was just hovering over his arm, both for comfort and in case he fell. Well, at least he was here.

Dick's eyes grazed back to Dr. Aguilar and he forced his left leg to move.

It was like moving lead, it felt so heavy and like he barely had any control. 

And it hurt.

Red-hot spasms shooting up his legs, his hands trembled more aggressively with the effort and sweat started to bead on his brow.

His leg stalled for a moment before raising up slightly and then back down again. Hmm... well, he didn't get any farther but he did move his leg and manage to stay standing. That's got to count for something.

Dick grit his teeth as he glared down at his legs.

Hmm... or not.

"Good Richard, very good!"

'Is she serious? That's not what I'm trying to do at all and she knows that! For the love of God, would everyone just stop patronizing me?!'

"nu mă mai patrona, tu--" "stop patronizing me, you--"


Dick winced at Bruce's scolding tone before his brain finally processed what his mouth had been about to say. Whether she understood or not.

"ma scuzati doamna..." "sorry miss..."

However Dr. Aguilar was completely oblivious to what he was saying and couldn't help the confused look that took over her face for a moment before she recovered, clearing her throat as she took in Dick's increasingly agitated state before glancing up at the gymnasium clock.

Ah well, the session was nearly finished anyway.

"Well Richard, I believe this would be a good time to stop for today."

Dick didn't say anything, he just merely shrugged as Bruce swiftly helped him into the wheelchair.

As soon as the brakes were off, Dick skillfully steered himself away from Bruce and Aguilar, leaving Bruce to confirm the next session and see her off.

Dick closed his eyes, trying his best to block out their words. Always about him...

Progress, lack of progress, etc. Always the same. But it didn't matter. Even if he managed to walk independently again it wouldn't--

He opened his eyes once more, staring up at his acrobatic equipment with longing.

If he could never be up there again... then nothing mattered. And how could he be? When he can't even stand without pain or weakness! 

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