Chapter 24

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I hesitated a moment and thought about who I was more willing to believe right now. Oliver, who wasn't looking too good as of now... or a stranger who seems to know a lot more about me then I ever shared. Not good options.

I slowly unclasped the necklace Oliver gave me and set it on another table nearby.

"Now," Oliver whispered, "I can come closer to you without fighting anything."

Kaleb took a few steps towards me as we were now close together.

"You asked me why I kept backing away from you. That necklace Oliver gave you... think of it kind of as magic, per say. He gave you that to keep me away from you."


"But he underestimated my abilities, clearly. Because here we are." He lifted the edges of his lips ever so slightly.

"Rachel, do you remember having a rather... odd- dream, not so long ago?"

"Ye- yes." I stuttered.

"With your sister? Correct? Being tied up and she was saying something about 'it's you', am I right?"

"How do you know that..." I murmured, no longer able to think.

"That wasn't exactly a dream. More of a... premonition of sorts. And guess who was also the cause of this?"

"No..." I whispered. I could feel tears running down my face even though I hadn't even realized they were there to begin with.

"I know you don't want to believe me. I can't even imagine what is going through your mind right now, but I need you to stay with me. Now, I'll offer you one more chance. Would you like me to continue, or would you like to leave?"

"Leave? How could I possibly leave?"

"Not just from my house. Leave town. Get as far away from here as possible. Take your family and never look back. You could be safe again."

"Kaleb... I could never just leave. This is my home. How could you ask me such a thing?"

"Because. If I even begin to tell you the rest of the truth... your life is going to change. This is your last chance at a normal life, Rachel, I'm warning you."

I wiped away a tear from my cheek and finally looked up at him. "My life has been nowhere near normal for the past year. Try me," I dared.

He sighed and smirked at me. "Oh, Rachel."

"Go on," I insisted. "Make it make sense. Please" I begged.

"Okay," he huffed. "Take my hand."


"If you want me to 'make it make sense'

then take my hand."

I hesitantly took his hand in mine. I noticed

multiple veins running through his hands and arms.

"Close your eyes."

"You know, if you're about to murder me, people know where I am."

He laughed for a moment as I closed my eyes. He placed his other hand on top of mine and I felt a wave of electricity course through me.

"You feel that?" He asked.

"Yes, but how-"

"And when you're with Oliver. You feel

something similar, but not quite the same. Correct?"

My eyes shot open. How could he know that when I fully didn't even realize it?

"But... I thought..."

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