Chapter 15

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Headlights. Blinding headlights were coming right towards me. I couldn't bring myself to move though, I just couldn't. Move Rachel... you have to move!

I know that I was thinking it subconsciously, but other than that my mind was blank. Everything seemed to slow. The entire world around me was frozen in time and the only thing moving was the car, the car that was about to hit me.

I knew I had to run. Run far and fast off the road. The car wasn't going to slow down, even though it was coming at me at such a slow speed. I knew that it was probably coming much faster than that, and I could tell that the driver couldn't see me.

It was far too dark, too stormy. It felt weird, standing in a storm in the middle of the night. It was like one of those moments where nothing felt real, like I was the only real thing.

Or maybe I wasn't real at all. Maybe it was me who was the made up one, just a product of one's imagination. That would be funny. Maybe their imagination was about to die, and me along with it.

Closer... closer... closer...


I heard my alarm clock going off. Was it already time for school? I rolled onto my side in search of it... beep, beep, beep.

I couldn't find it.

I would have to open my eyes.

It was as if they were glued shut, it took all of my strength to move my eyelids apart.

I did it, but I still couldn't see. I squinted my eyes until they adjusted to the brightness. Everything was sort of blurry, and I was much more tired than usual. I reached over to grab my phone, at least it was still there. It said it was 2:82PM. Did that mean I was late? I had a message from Brianna, it read:

It's time. Don't be late.


Beep, beep, beep...

Where was my alarm clock? My eyes finally started to adjust to my room, I could make out the colors and shapes.

I looked over to my nightstand, but the alarm clock was gone. Maybe mom unplugged it...

I looked to my right and saw that my door was open, which was strange since I usually slept with it closed. I stretched out my legs in front of me and slowly made my way off the bed.

As soon as my feet hit the floor I felt instant pain, my legs were really sore. Gravity felt heavier than usual. Before I could think about it too much, I heard the obnoxious beeping again. Except... it was coming from outside my room. I followed the noise down the hall and down the stairs.

My stairs were really steep. I never really noticed that before. I had to grip the railing to keep myself from falling.

Eventually I got to the bottom of the steps, but my floor looked different. The wood was stained, it was a lot darker.

"Mom?" I shouted. In anticipation of an answer, I continued to pace the living room.


No response.

Why was the room so cold? I could literally feel wind hitting me. Was the window open?

I walked into the kitchen and saw that the window was, indeed, closed. I looked outside of it and saw a weird animal running towards a hill. The closer I got to the window though, the more wind I could feel. I touched my hand slowly to it, and my hand went through the glass. There was no window, just a hole in our house. Am I going crazy?

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