Chapter 21

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What. The. Hell.

That was the only thought coursing through my mind as I stared deeply into his dark green eyes.

His hand was still across my mouth as he had me pinned against the cold, brick wall.

He continued to stare intently into my eyes and he was inches away from me.

So many questions. So, so many questions... but my mind couldn't seem to form complete thoughts. Just confusion.

A lot of confusion.

I could feel his breath on my chest.

My heart sped up.

Was I about to be murdered by the omnious neighbor of the creepy girl I babysat?

I tried to fight him off of me but he was holding me in a death grip.

After a few seconds of fidgeting around he shushed me.

I stopped moving.

Once again I could feel the odd, sinking sensation in my chest.

I felt his grasp on me lighten. I can make it if I run now.

Except I stood there frozen. I couldn't look away from him for some reason. His eyes were so captivating... I wanted to throw him off of me.

He finally released his grip on me and I wanted to scream, react, hit him, anything... but still no word would come out.

I think he could tell I wanted to say something though because in that moment he ever-so gently pressed his index finger to my lips. He slid his finger slowly down and off of my lips as he shushed me.

Words. Words. Any. Words.

He stared into his eyes daringly. Just then, he compressed his entire body into mine. I could feel all of him pressed against me.

I thought of some words to start with.

"What the hell are you doing!" I whispered exuberantly.

"Shut up or you'll get us both killed." He argued, annoyed.

"What's going on!" I tried to say quietly, but anger was taking over.

"Can you be quiet for two seconds?"

"Not until I get an explanation as to why I'm being pinned against a wall in a dark alleyway,"

"Rachel, please-"

"I'm not done!" I shoved him off of me, surprising even myself with the strength I just used. "in a dark alleyway with some stranger who won't even tell me his name! Am I supposed to trust you?!"


"What?!" I screamed.

Anika's neighbor's face went blank as I realized my mistake.

"Shit." He whispered before grabbing my arm and starting to pull me farther into the alleyway.

"What are you doing?" I pleaded.

No response. Nothing. He continued to lead me deeper and deeper into this dark death-trap.

"Hey! Answer me!"

Still nothing.

I snapped down and away from his hand.

"I'm not going anywhere with you until you can tell me what in the damn world is going on right now."

He grabbed both of my arms and shoved me, hard, against another wall.

"Do you want to live?"

I stared at him in total shock. Live? Was someone going to kill us?

Anika's neighbor kept pulling me down the alleyway until boom. We hit a dead end.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." He mumbled, completely frantic. He turned to me.

"Rachel, listen to me. You picked a bad night to go out and hit the town. There are things going on... things beyond your understanding that would take hours for me to even begin to unravel. All you need to know is that as long as you're here, you're not safe. Don't come here again. For a matter of fact, don't go anywhere alone again. Ever. The world is more dangerous than you would think, Rachel, so promise me not to come out here again."

"Wh- What?" I blinked a few times. Up until that point, that was the most he had ever said to me.

Anika's neighbor used his hands to feel around the wall that stood before us. Looking for something? It was so dark that it was impossible to even see anything.

He went over and grabbed a trash can, that I could barely make out in the first place, and gestured me over.

"Hurry, we don't have much time."

"Wait, no. I- What did any of that even mean? I get the world is a scary place. Murderers, predators, blah blah blah... All that. I can handle myself though."

He took a few steps and was standing right before me, freakishly close.

"I'm not saying you can't," he sighed and backed away from me, "I'm just saying that... you need to be cautious. A pretty girl like you... out here... all alone... at night..." He shivered.

What a creep.

Although I could barely see him, I noticed whipped his head around.

"Come on. You need to go. Now."

"I still didn't get any explanation."

"Don't make me come over there and grab you myself. Come on."

I sighed, discontent. I felt defeated. I knew nothing and had honestly never been more confused in my life.

I ran over to the nameless boy as he hoisted me up on top of the trash can. I saw him looking down at my chest which freaked me out, but I think he was staring at my necklace. The one Oliver gave me. After a moment of him looking at it, he looked back up at me.


"I can't just jump over a wall!" I whisper-screamed.

"Sure you can, it'll build character. Go."

I turned to the wall, it really wasn't that large. I looked back at him.

"I'll come to your house tomorrow. I deserve an explanation."

"Rachel, no. Don't ever come to see me."


"Please just... no more questions..."

"Not until I get some answers!"

Anika's neighbor grabbed the trash can out of frustration. I felt it shake beneath me.

"Rachel. You. Need. To. Leave. Now."


"Go!!!! They're coming!"



He raised his voice above a whisper, which was probably a bad sign. I thought quickly. I didn't want to leave with nothing.

"Tell me your name. Then I'll go."

"Eric!" He exclaimed, completely exasperated.

I glanced at him once more then pulled myself up and over the wall. Suddenly I was falling. Then I felt the ground. Then I felt the pain.

I picked myself up and began to limp down this new road as fast as I could until I recognized where I was.

"What a night." I whispered to myself, making my way down the street.

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