Chapter 10

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It had been a couple days since Lucy stayed the night.

No matter where I went, I felt like I was being watched. I just couldn't shake the feeling.

That Saturday would change everything though. I had a plan, and I was optimistic that I could figure out who was spying on me.

I would also be able to confirm that Oliver was not creepy stalker guy, and I'd been praying that he wasn't.

I was in the bath, trying to figure out something new. Maybe if I kept going over the same facts, I could find a solution. I just wanted clarity. I felt like I was in the dark, I felt vulnerable.

I hated that. I hated the fact that someone was keeping tabs on me, and that I couldn't do anything about it. I hated that no one would believe me about this, other than Lucy.

I sunk farther down into the bubbles of my bath. It felt good for a few minutes, just relaxing, until my phone started ringing.

It was lying on the floor beside me because I was playing classical music to help me think better. I picked it up, and I saw that Oliver was video calling me.

Crap, what do I do? You couldn't possibly answer it right now!

I got a weird feeling thinking about Oliver while I was sitting in the bathtub.

I declined the call, choosing to text him instead.

Hey! I can call you in a minute, I'm doing something right now lol

He started typing.

It's fine lol, what r u doing?

Oh lol, I'm actually in the bath

The bath?

Yeah lol

I felt like the biggest idiot in the world. He was probably sitting there, picturing me in the bath.

Saying absolutely anything else in the entire world would have been less embarrassing. Stupid Rachel, stupid stupid stupid! Even saying a shower would have been an improvement.

But no, I sounded like a six year-old taking a bath. I might as well have invited him over to come play boats with me.

I started to drain the bath, then wrapped myself in a towel. I grabbed my phone and walked back to my room. As soon as I shut the door, my phone started ringing again. Oliver.

Didn't I just tell him that I was in the bath? Why was calling me? He wasn't calling because he... no he wouldn't.

I answered the phone out of adrenaline, deeply regretting it when I realized I still was wrapped in a towel.

"Oliver, hi," I squeaked.

"Hey! Sorry, I wasn't sure if you would still be... in the bath or not."

"Oh, yeah no. See! Here I am, definitely not still in the bath!" I tried to awkwardly laugh it off.

Did I actually just say that? Who says, 'definitely not still in the bath!' At that moment, I had hoped that creepy stalker guy would burst in my room and just kill me now.

There were a couple minutes of awkward silence before I spoke again.

"Um... so I'm gonna put clothes on now."

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