The trouble begins

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Tim's POV: First day of sophomore year tomorrow and I'm extremely nervous. This kid John one of my best friends last year began to hang out with the guys that used to gang up on me and our friends the last couple years. Now he wants to fight me tomorrow after school so his new friends can trust him in not liking me anymore. I already signed a contract last year that said I wouldn't fight anymore especially the Johnson boys. But that's gonna have to be forgotten tomorrow.
I pulled up to school and saw one of my friends in my parking spot. "Hey Mark. Have you seen John around yet?" He pointed his head toward the football field. "Him and the guys have been over there since before I got here." "So that's why coach cancelled practice this morning?" He nodded his head. We walked to our first class and noticed John was in our class. Great. "Tim lets go sit over here ." I was pissed but I can't let it out now or else I'm screwed. "Hey Tim! Are you really gonna fight John after school today?" My friend Gina asked. "Gigi keep it down. I am but I can't let the teachers or coach figure out." The three of us sat down and John decides to sit with us. "Tim I ain't trying to fight you today. If you bail out today it'll be all good. I'm really sorry bout things but it happened. But I really don't want to hurt you." I smiled and chuckled. "Johnny I ain't backing out. And I ain't the one who's gonna get hurt. Remember, your the one who left us."
Let me give you the whole scoop on things. Mark, Gina, John and I used to be friends since we were kids. We all grew up on the same block and always had each other's back. Once we got to junior high that's when things got really bad. Bobby, his brother Jake and their cousin Sam or The Johnson boys started to mess with us, especially Gina. We always said once you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. Now Gina was one of the toughest girls ever but the Johnson boys were stronger and wanted to have Gina for themselves and always picked on her and told her she belong with them. So that's when we stepped in and started to fight. But once we got to HS their focus became on mostly me and John. And that's why I had to sign a contract last year because the Johnson brothers always picking on us and I always fought them. And then John last year became submerged by the pressure and became friends with the Johnson's.
Now in the last couple minutes of school I'm getting anxious. I just want to get this fight over with.
Finally practice is over. "Mark are you ready?" "I'll be out in a second. I have to help coach with the balls." "Alright well I'll go get Gina and we'll be at my truck." I went and grabbed Gina and when he got to my truck there was a note on my window. "What does it say?" " 'Tim we'll be waiting in the field behind the Quick Shop gas station by your house' "
When Mark showed up we all got in and went to the gas station and saw Johns truck.
"Well he actually showed up and he even brought his little side kicks with him." Bobby pushed on me. "Get your hands off me Bobby. This is between me and John. No one else." "Looks like someone became a man. Alright let's get this started. Come on John." John walked up to me and whispered "Tim you don't have to do this." "Yeah he does. Come on Tim you got this" Gina said and then stepped back with Mark.
I knocked John down within the first 3 seconds. "Tim get off him!" Mark came and pulled me off and I noticed John was bruised all over. "We need to get out of here the owner of the gas station heard us!" Gina started running and we all scrambled. Once we all got into my house my coach was there taking with my mom. "Baby where were you?! What happened?" I looked at her and she noticed I had a bruise on my cheek. "I fought John over behind the Quick Stop." She started crying. "Tim I'm not gonna tell the principal that you did this but one more fight and you can say good bye to your jersey and your scholarships." "Yes sir." "Coach can you give Mark and Gina a ride home? I need to talk to Tim." "Yes ma'am. No problem."
My mom walked me into the living room and got my sisters in their rooms. "Tim one more fight and your done here. I told you that no more fighting because we could move. Easily." "Yes ma'am. I promise that was it. I'm sorry." "Okay. Go do your homework and go finish mowing the lawn."

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