Chapter 9

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You groaned as you woke up. "Hey, Y/N. You okay?" Jessica asked. You nodded in response. "It's okay. Ryan knows we're here."

"Ryan?" You tried to talk through the gag. 

"It's fine. He's okay." She said. "It'll be okay." 

You nodded again. You rested your head against the wall of the car. Waiting for Ryan to come. 


Tanner removed his gun and pressed it against Ryan's back as they walked towards a secluded area. "One wrong move and your little girlfriend dies. Understand?"

"Yeah." Ryan sighed, clutching the camera closer to him. This is it. Now or never. 

Ryan stood in front of Ethan as he grabbed him, headbutting him. Ryan grunted as he fell on the ground. "God, that felt good." Ethan said, bending down and took the bag as Ryan laid on the ground looking at him. "This is it." Ethan laughed. 

Tanner took his walkie out, "All right. We've got it." He said as Ryan sat up and slumped against a dumpster.

Ethan looked at Ryan as he dropped the tape on the ground. He crushed it under his foot. Just then, Chad came with his friend, "Dude! What are you doin'? I was like--" Chad began. 

"Take a walk." Ethan said, stalking towards him. Ryan took the opportunity and jumped over the railing and into the water. 

Ryan came back up and went under the pier and swam. He took a deep breath as he walked through the water and onto the beach. Ryan panted and ran into a shed and hid there waiting for them to come after him. 


Tanner walked below the pier and saw footprints going inside a shed. "The kid's in a boathouse under the pier. Copy that? Ethan do you copy?" 

"Yeah. I copy." Ethan's voice came and Tanner put the walkie back in his coat and walked inside the house. His eyes gazed around, "Last chance, kid. You come out now, I'll make it easy on you." Tanner kept walking in further. He sighed, "Okay then. You wanna do it this way?" He removed his gun, "Cocky little piece of shit." Tanner heard nothing but silence. He turned and saw the grey hoodie. 

He held up his gun, taking slow steps towards Ryan, "Time's up. Bye bye." He said and shot three times. Tanner laughed as he went closer and saw the hoodie on the wooden plank. Tanner looked at it in confusion as Ryan came behind him and smacked him in the head with a surfboard. 

Tanner groaned and tried to get up but Ryan hit him again. Tanner fell on the ground, unconscious. But Before Ryan could take a deep breath. Ethan came up and started shooting at Ryan. "Oh shit." Ryan yelled dropping the board. "Oh shit." Ryan panted heavily as he raised his hands up, looking at Ethan. 

Ethan put the gun back and walked towards Ryan. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you and your girlfriend caused me today?" He said and punched Ryan. Ethan held him and banged him against the door and then threw him on the ground. Ryan took a wooden row and stood back up. "Who are you? How did you get involved?" 

"I just answered my phone." Ryan said. He took a swing at Ethan and he blocked it. Punching Ryan back on the ground. 

"SHIT." Ryan groaned. 

"You're pathetic." Ethan said when he pretended to hit Ryan and he backed away. "Your little bitch has more fight than you." Ryan's face turned into anger and Ethan chuckled, "Come on." Ryan stood up, banging Ethan into the fence door and punched him. Ethan then held him by his throat as Ryan gagged, "Okay that's enough." He said and once again Ryan was on the ground. "First I will shoot you and then your girlfriend."

Ethan took out his gun and put his foot on Ryan's throat, "Oh shit! Please, please." Ryan begged when Ethan pointed the gun at him. 

"Let him up." Mooney said. 

"Help me. They're dirty cops." Ryan said and groaned as Ethan increased the pressure on his throat. 

"He attacked my partner. He tried to kill me." Ethan said. 

"I said let him up." Mooney repeated. 

"You're gonna believe this lying piece of shit over a cop?" Ethan said as Ryan tried to push his leg off. 

"It doesn't matter what I believe. What's important is that you believe is that I would put a bullet in your skull if you don't let him up." Mooney said. 

"They kidnapped Jessica Martin and her family. They have my girlfriend too." Ryan said. 

"Hands in the air." Mooney yelled at him. 

"What?!" Ethan yelled. 

"Do it, now." Ethan removed his leg off Ryan and raised his hands in the air, "Turn around." Ethan complied and turned around. Ryan coughed on the ground and tried to even his breathing. "Drop the gun." 

Ethan looked at Mooney over his shoulder and shot the light hanging down the ceiling and ran. Mooney went to Ryan and helped him up, "We've got to get out of here. Stay with me." 

Ryan and Mooney both made their way towards the door  as Ethan fired bullets at them. Both of them hid behind a wall, "Hey, this way." Mooney said and started crawling away. But Ethan spotted them and fired again.  

"Shit. Run." Mooney said as the bullets kept coming. Once of the bullets hit Ryan's legs as he fell down, clutching his leg. 

 "Ah, God, ah. My leg." Ryan groaned. 

"Stay there." Mooney said. 


"Just stay there." Mooney said, 

"Okay." Ryan sighed and crawled to a better hiding spot, behind a boat. Mooney checked his bullets and went to look for Ethan. 


Back in the van, Jessica had managed to bring her hands in front of her. She then choked Deason who was sitting in the driver seat as you screamed at her. Ricky yelled at his mom, but his father interfered. "Ricky, look at me, look at me, son." Ricky closed his eyes as he heard Deason choking. 

He soon stopped struggling and passed out. Jessica took her hands away and searched his pockets for keys. "I found the keys." 


 Ryan saw as Mooney ducked behind a container waiting for Ethan to come out. Ryan saw a shadow coming and backed away from the hole seeing Ethan coming. 

An idea came in Ryan's head and he removed his phone. Ryan looked through the hole saw Ethan pointing a gun at Mooney's head. "Shit." He whispered, looking for his number and dialed it. Ethan was about to shoot when his phone started to ring. 

Mooney turned around, hearing the ring and spotted Ethan. He jumped out of his hiding spot and shot at him.  

Ryan sighed and came out, looking at Ethan, ending the call. He kept looking at Ethan as he struggled to breath and soon died. Ryan rushed out and started going in the direction of the parking lot. 

Cellulars ~ Ryan AckermanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora