Chapter 8

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Ryan arrived at Santa Monica pier and parked the car. He took his phone, the camera and got out, noticing a grey jacket in the back. Ryan took it and ran towards the busy beach. He wore the jacket and connected his phone to the blue tooth headphone he found in the car, clutching the camera bag closer and called Ethan. 

"You there?" Came his voice. 

"Yeah." Ryan said as he stood near the binoculars. 

"Showtime. He's on." Ethan said in his walkie. "So now what?" 

"First you show me the Martin's are okay." Ryan said. 

"There's a black van in the parking lot at the northwest corner. Next to the spy sunglass truck."

"Okay, I can see it." Ryan said, spotting the black van. 

"Now. Look at the passenger side video." He said. Ryan took the binoculars and looked at the window seeing Jessica and Ricky. "Did you see that?"

"Yeah. I want to see Y/N." Ryan said. 

"She can't exactly talk." Ethan said. 

"You're so dead." Ryan mumbled and thankfully Ethan didn't hear it. 

"Your turn. Now you show me something." Ethan said. 

"No, first you let them go." Ryan said. 

"I don't think so. Not until after you give me the camera." 

"Yeah. I've been thinking about that." He said. "You know, it does me no good to hand over the videotape, then you guys turn around and take us out."

"I swore I wouldn't do that." Ethan said. 

"Like you swore to protect and serve?" Ryan said, "Look it's your choice. Either the Martins and Y/N or the video tape. Either way, I'm walking away with Y/N in five minutes. I'm warning you." Just then the hood was pulled off of Ryan's head, "SHIT!" 

"I cannot believe you. Where have you been?" Chloe asked. 


Just then Officer Mooney, who'd come along with the others, "Here, there he is." 

"I got him, He's across from the arcade talking to some girl." Tanner told the others on the walkie. 

"Damn it, Ryan, you know, how long I waited for those t-shirts? That was so important to me." Chloe scolded him. "And where is Y/N? I thought she's always with you."

"Look, I can explain it to you. I just can't do it right now." Ryan said as he pulled her away. "It's not safe, there are people after me right now. They have Y/N." 

"God, I tried to you call you and your phone is off." Chloe said. 

"Hey, kid. I've been looking for you." Officer Mooney said. "From the police station." 

"Shit." Ryan said and tried to run as Mooney grabbed him. 

"No, no. Wait, wait a second. It's- OUCH!" Mooney tried to stop him as Ryan pushed him and ran but once again was stopped by Tanner. 

"Hey, there you are, kid." Tanner said and grabbed him. "You run, and she dies." He whispered in his ears. 

"Would you relax?" Mooney snarled at him. 

"He's a cop. He's with me." Tanner said, holding Ryan tightly. 

"Jessica Martin? You were right." Mooney said, "Wait, where's the girl that was with you?" 

"I got the kid." Tanner said in his walkie. "We're all good here, right? Hey, Mooney. You don't look so hot." 

"Nah, I'm fine." He said. 

"No, Go to the hospital and get that checked out." Tanner said. 

"This is Detective Dimitri, C.I.D." Dimitri said as he came. 

"Hey, get him over to the hospital. Get him looked at." Tanner said. 

Mooney sighed and walked over to Ryan, "Just relax? Will you. You're in good hands." He said and walked away with Dimitri. 

"Will someone please explain to me what's going on?" Chloe asked. 

"Who is she?" Tanner asked. 

"She's nobody. I've never seen her before." Ryan said. He had to get Chloe out of danger. Even though he hated her. 

"Let's go have a chat about Jessica Martin, huh?" Tanner said, pulling Ryan away with him. 


Hi there! 

Sorry I changed the story status to complete. It was an accident. But here is the next part. 

Happy reading!!!

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