Chapter 4

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"Here, put it on speaker." Ryan handed you the phone as he drove after the SUV. 

"Ryan, Y/N, are you there?" Came Jessica's worried and scared voice. 

"We're here. Jessica." You said to her. 

"Don't let them get away." She said. 

"It's okay. It's okay. I can still see them up ahead." Ryan said as he looked at the car. 

"It's gonna be okay. We can see them, okay, Jessica?" You tried to assured her. 

"You know what? This isn't a bad thing. I can actually follow them to where they're hiding you and I can call the cops." Ryan said and drove a little closer to the car but a bus came in between.

"SHIT!" You both yelled. 


"This bus just cut me off." Ryan said. He honked at the bus, "Come on!" He yelled. 

"Ryan, calm down." You said. 

"All right, this isn't working. Hang on." He said to you. You kept the phone down and one hand went up to hold the handle bar as Ryan sped up. Ryan slowly drove up with the bus when a divider came in front of you. Ryan tried going but the bus came and Ryan swerved the car on the opposite side of the road. 

"Ryan, you're on the wrong side of the road!" You yelled as you clutched on the handle. 

"I know, hold on, baby." Ryan said as he drove while the cars went here and there. "Whoa, whoa." Ryan tried his best to drive when a truck came straight at them, "Holy shit!" But luckily Ryan managed to avoid it as the truck turned over and fell. "Oh God!" 

"Ryan, baby, please. Drive a little safe." You said. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry." Ryan said as he finally came on the right side of the road. 

"Are you okay?" Jessica asked.

"We're okay." You said. "We're alive. We're breathing." You sighed. 

"What happened? Did you loose them?" She asked. 

"Don't worry. We'll find them." You said. 

"Shit." Ryan muttered and pushed down on the brakes as the car stirred to a halt. 


"Little bit of traffic. Just give us a second okay?" Ryan said and looked around as people yelled at the workers on the road. 

"Shit! Ryan you're battery's dying." You said to him. 

"Do you have a charger?" Jessica asked. 

"Yeah. At my house home, Jessica." Ryan said. "Hold on. I'm checking the car."

"Hey, you wanna move?" A man yelled. 

"Shit." You said and opened the glovebox. You looked at Ryan as you saw the object.

"Whoa." Ryan said and took the gun in his hand. 

"Did you find it actually?"

Ryan looked at you, "Not actually." Ryan groaned and looked around. 

"What do we do, Ryan?" You asked him, his phone beeping continuously.  

"I don't know, baby." He said and looked around and spotted something. "Hey, look." He showed you and you nodded in response. "You are gonna owe us so big for this." He said to Jessica and started driving through the construction sight towards the store. 

"Ryan, slow down a little." You said. 

"I can't. We have to do this quick. Sorry, baby." He said. 

"You don't know the definition of quick." You yelled at him. 

"Oh, you love it." Ryan smirked.

"Not now." You shook your head. 

"Yeah, sorry." Ryan said. "Shit." Ryan cursed as he drove through the mud and it flew over the windshield. Ryan cleaned it with the wipers and drove towards the fence. "Hold on." He said and broke through the fence and drove across the street. He stopped and parked in front of the store and took the phone. "You still there? Can you here me?" He asked. 

"I'm here." Jessica said. 

"All right. Y/N, you stay here. I'll go inside." He said as he saw you panting. "You okay?" 

"Yeah. Just a scared. I'm fine." You said.

"Okay." He said and kissed you. "I'll be right back." He said and got out of the car. "I'm getting us a charger." 

Cellulars ~ Ryan AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now