Chapter 3

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"Where are you?" Jessica asked. You'd turned the phone on speaker so Ryan could hear while he drove.

"We just turned off the Sunset." Ryan said.

"Okay. It's on your right." Jessica said. "About uh... two miles up the road."

"What do these guys want anyway?" You asked.

"I don't know. I'm science biology teacher." She said.

"What about your husband? Is he rich?" Ryan asked.

"No, no, he's a realtor. None of this makes any sense." She said.

Ryan slowed down as he a trainee car was in front of you. "Yo, grandma. Move it." He screamed at them.

"What is it?" Jessica asked.

"Where is a cop when you want one?" You sighed.

"What is this?" Ryan asked as he got stuck behind another car. "Hey, hey!" He yelled at the lady as he drove next to her. "Get off your phone. Concentrate on the road."

"Yeah, yeah.." She said and continued talking on the phone. 

"Idiot!" He yelled. "You still there?" He asked Jessica.

"Oh, Ryan. Hurry." She said. You could here the worry in her voice. 

"Okay. All right." Ryan said. 

You looked out your window and saw the school, "Ryan, the school." You said. 

"All right. I see the school" Ryan said and turned and entered the driveway. Ryan stopped the car and took a deep breath. 



"How much time do we have?' She asked. 

You looked at your wrist watch, "Uh- we got one minute."  You said. "Go, I'll keep the car ready." You said and Ryan dashed out with the phone. 

"Okay, go up to the main building. His classroom will be on your left." Jessica said. 

"Okay." Ryan said as he walked further inside the school. "All right. I'm here." 


"What's your kids name?" Ryan asked. 


"Ricky what?" 

Martin." Jessica said. 

"Ricky Martin? You named your name Ricky Martin?" Ryan joked. 

"It was before the singer-"

"Whatever, whatever. What does he look like?"

"He's 11 years old. Blond hair. He's really small for his age. Green eyes. He's got on a blue shirt and khaki pants." Jessica said. 

"They're all wearing that." He said as he looked in a class room. "Hey, are you Ricky Martin?" He asked a kid. 

"Sir, can I help you?" The teacher asked.

"Go to the office. Hand them the phone." She said. "I'll tell them what happened." 

Ryan nodded and turned back around and was stopped by an officer. "Hey, do you know where I can find the administrations office?" 

"Yeah, it's up to-" The officer said and the bell rang. "You can't go there right now, sir. It's closed."

"Oh shit!" Ryan yelled as he saw all the kids leaving. "Ricky Martin!" Ryan yelled. 

"Was that the bell?"


"Ryan, hurry." Jessica said. 

"Ricky Martin!" Ryan yelled again. 

"Hurry. He'll go to the parent's pickup spot."

"Okay, okay." Ryan said and ran once again. 

"Oh God, Ryan? They're gonna get him."

"All right, parent pick up. I see it. He'll definitely go there?" 

"Yes." Jessica answered. 

"What kind of car you got?" Ryan asked as he security car came up. 

"A black SUV." 

"Of course you do." Ryan mumbled and looked around. But was stopped by the same officer. 

"Excuse me sir. You cannot be up here. You've gotta be down there with the other parents."

"Yeah, I know, I'm looking for a kid named Ricky Martin. I think he's in trouble." Ryan said to him. 

"He has a 'Lord of the Rings' backpack." Jessica said. 

Ryan stopped and saw the backpack. He saw him and yelled, "Ricky Martin." But it was too late. He'd opened the door and was pulled inside. "Holy shit, you see that? The kid just got kidnapped."

"What?!" Jessica yelled. 

"Look. I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to borrow your car." Ryan said and ran towards the security car. 

"Ryan!" You yelled when you saw him and he waved you over. 

"He got taken we have to follow them. Come on." He said. and got in the driver's seat as you got in the one next to him. 

"But your car?"

"Forget about it. We'll get it later." He said and pushed down on the accelerator. 

Cellulars ~ Ryan AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now