Ozeral Bolas (Magic: the Gathering)

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Universe: Magic: the Gathering

Custom Character: Ozeral Bolas

Gender, Age, Race: Male, around 20 during War of the Spark, Human born on Amonkhet.

Personality: During his younger years on Amonkhet, Ozeral was cocky until he was put into a losing position where his cowardice would show due to being raised to only be the best so he never knew how to recover from a losing fight. During War of the Spark, he was shown to be just as cocky but much more manipulative and no longer fights but rather manipulates and controls others to do it for him.

Appearance: No appearance yet.

Ability: Ozeral works like a warlock, up to War of the Spark, he uses a headband with Bolas's horn symbol as an arcane focus to channel Bolas blue magic powers to guide the God-Eternals but not outright control them. Initially only a planeswalker with the use of an interesting mechanic Bolas figured out, he essentially shared a spark with Ozeral during War of the Spark.

Backstory: Ozeral was found on Amonkhet by Bolas at a very young age, Bolas was impressed by Ozeral amazing survival as Bolas found him entering the city from the outside which is too dangerous for most living beings. Bolas essentially adopted and raised him, but raised him to beat the crap out of people and take his orders, yet Ozeral somehow gained attachment to Bolas and even considered his own last name to Bolas despite Nicol Bolas never giving Ozeral his last name. Bolas also brought Ozeral to Ravnica for War of the Spark.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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