Alban Aquilinus (RWBY)

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Universe: RWBY

Set: None

Custom Character: Alban Aquilinus

Personality: Isn't on screen enough to get a clear personality but he doesn't think very logically and is kinda cowardly, he typically won't fight a battle he's not sure he can win. He also has a crush on Pyrrha but doesn't act on it especially after he sees how close Jaune and Pyrrha become.

Appearance: Deep red eyes, curly dark gray earlobe-length hair. Alban is 5'3" (160.02 cm) and wears a white tunic with a gold print border that ends right above the knee, pure white small shorts underneath the tunic, and Roman shoes called Caligae.

Ability: Has 70 flies that are controlled by his eyes where they come from and return to (35 for each eye). The flies can attach to Grimm and take control over a long period of time (about 5 minutes for a beowolf, the bigger the Grimm the longer it takes). The fly can detach from the Grimm and even die but if a fly dies, another one will be birthed in its place. If he loses an eye, the flies controlled by that eye die and aren't replaced but the other eye isn't affected semblance-wise. The less flies in his eye, the less he can see and the more white his eyes become, if all flies are gone then Alban loses his sight and his eyes irises are white. The Grimm under his control have a color shift, black turns to average red, white turns to gold, and red turns to cream white.

Introduction: He's just another Beacon kid and isn't important to the story.

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