William "Ward" Seth

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Custom Character: William "Ward" Seth

Gender, Age, Race: Male, 23, White Human

Family: Sasha Seth (sister, dead)

Appearances: William has upper-back length dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and a height of 5'6".

Personality: Confident in battle but largely meek in social interaction with people he doesn't know but has godly levels of confidence in conversation with people he does know to the point of calling them "loser" or "puny mortal" in a joking manner which any true friend of his is completely fine with and some would even call him loser back.

Weapons: The Fissure Kite Shield (There is a separate page for the shield), a small buckler shield, and a 12-inch double-edged blade (30.48 centimeters).

Abilities: Weapon Call: allows William to call any weapon with a spell/enchantment that binds William and that weapon in any way. Healing: allows William to heal decent-sized wounds like a minor sword stab or slash across the stomach but can't cause limbs to regrow or heal most fatal wounds. Major Ward: allows William to summon shield-like magic that can tank a lot of damage but can't held up for long and only protects William.

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