Fissure Kite Shield

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Universe: No specific universe

The Fissure Kite Shield is a large shield that can be split in half vertically with an arm piece on each half to hold the shield on the user's arms. When the side of the shield are connected I will call it form 1 and when they are separated they are form 2.

Abilities: the Fissure Kite Shield has 2 abilities, Impregnable Defense and Immovable Wall. Impregnable Defense makes the shield completely invincible in form 1 and does cost stamina. Immovable Wall activates when the shield in form 1 is put into the ground and upon activation, the shield will make a massive, cloudy, transparent yellow wall.

Appearance: The shield is about 5'2" (172.72 cm) tall and is extremely heavy. The design of the shield is largely white with a yellow border and gems in the middle forming a group of triangles. The gemstones that make the shield are 8 large white jades, 2 large red jades, and 2 large green jades. These gems are protected by the shield's magic making them near indestructible.

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