Fairy Prince Faus (Seven Deadly Sins)

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Universe: Seven Deadly Sins anime/manga (Not owned by me)

Custom Character: Faus (f-ah-s)

Gender, Age, Race: Male, Unknown, half-fairy half-giant

Family: Harlequin (Father), Diane (Mother), Unnamed Sibling.

Appearance: Lime green pompadour hair (Harlequins new hair but green), purple eyes, white skin, 10 feet tall (fairy and giant blood mixing is weird), and massive fairy wings.

Personality: Thoughtful, kind, and helpful outside of battle. When in battle Faus is careful, smart, and manipulative.

Abilities: Control over Spirit Spear Bastalon. Earth Overhaul which allows Faus to manipulate dirt, sand, stone, metal, and other natural non-living resources at the cost of immense energy loss. Fairy Connection allows Faus to control any plant and influence animals behavior (intelligent life counts) but give Faus a major headache.

Weapons: Spirit Spear Bastalon (Bass-tah-lawn), a spear made from the sacred tree's leaves that appears as a leaf crown when not in use. Bastalon had five forms unlocked,
  Form one: Spirit Spear Bastalon
  Form two: Guardian (appears as a transparent yellow fox)
  Form four: Inherited Sunflower (exactly the same as Chastiefols sunflower)
  Form seven: healing locust (Bastalon splits into several small bugs that will latch on and heal a person)
  Form eight: Quadarm (gives Faus two extra, transparent yellow arms).

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