Chapter 6: An eye for an eye

Start from the beginning

"Kiko, let's go," Yuken told the other twin. The girl looked up at him.

"I don't want to go," she whined but Yuken just looked at her with a blank expression.

"Then don't," the male shrugged and lightly patted Nozomi's head before exiting the room.

"Kiko, go to school," Nozomi told her twin.

After five minutes of persuading the older twin, she finally decided to leave. Nozomi breathed out a sigh of relief as she finally have her peace.

In the afternoon, though, Kazuto stopped by and hang around with her. Madoka and Yui also stopped by but didn't stay that long since they still have something to do.

"That's a horrible cut on your forehead," Kazuto commented as he looked at the girl's bandaged part of her head.

"It was a bit big and I think it bled a lot," Nozomi replied making Kazuto wince as he imagined the pain she went through.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Hiyori-nee was the one who gave you the flowers," Kazuto pointed to the flowers inside the vase that is sitting down on the table beside her bed.

"What flowers are those?" Nozomi squinted her eyes.

"She said those are blue irises," Kazuto told her making the girl nodded.

"It's beautiful."

The two glanced at the doorway as they saw Kiko with Tsukasa, Jamuo, and Fujio tailing behind her.

"Hey, guys," Kazuto greeted. He's sitting down on a stool beside Nozomi's bed.

"How are you feeling?" Fujio asked.

"A bit better, actually," Nozomi replied.

"That's good!" Kiko exclaimed with a smile but it faded soon as she glared at Nozomi. "Now tell us what really happened."

"I already told you last ni—"

"Don't you dare lie to me, Nozomi," Kiko lowly said. Nozomi sighed as she looked at the people in the room. They looked like they are also waiting for her to say something.

"Erika," she muttered.

"What?" the five asked as they didn't clearly hear what she said.

"Hasegawa Erika," she stated. She looked between Kazuto and Kiko who paled at the mention of the name. "Mari's little sister."

"What about her?" Kazuto nervously asked.

"I don't know. Probably trying to get revenge for her sister."

"W-Who is this person?" Jamuo voiced. Nozomi looked at him and then at her sister who is looking down at her feet.

"Erika was Mari's younger sister, she's a year younger than her. Mari was our friend back in middle school." Kazuto began. "Three years ago, she was involved in a car accident along with Kiko."

Kazuto cleared his throat as he eyed Kiko who didn't say anything. So, he continued. "Kiko spent a month and a half in the hospital. While Mari was in a critical state and... the doctors couldn't save her."

The room went into an uncomfortable silence as they all looked down.

"Why does her sister want to hurt you?" Fujio quietly asked.

"An eye for an eye," Nozomi quoted and shrugged. "Probably want to get revenge."

"Fuck!" Kiko exclaimed. "This is my fault."

"No, it's not. It was no one's fault, it was an accident," Nozomi stated with a fixed voice.

"I'll—where is she now?!" Kiko exclaimed.

"You're not going to her," Nozomi said with an authoritative tone.

"She hurt you!"

"What are you going to do?! Push her down the stairs, too?!" Nozomi asked with a raised voice.

"What do you want me to do?! Just sit here and let that bitch go freely and wait for her to hurt you again!" Kiko frustratedly yelled back.

"I want you to listen to me," she said in a calm manner causing Kiko to look at her. "Look, I don't want you to avenge me and hurt her back. Because it's not going to stop."

Nozomi shook her head and shut her eyes for a second as she tried to calm herself. "If you get even with her, you will just create a bloody chain of hatred. Lots of people will just get hurt."

Nozomi cleared her throat as she looked at the people in the room, "I was barely conscious when I hit the ground. But I did see a camera at the scene. I want you to get the footage and send it to the police."

"I don't know what will happen to her, but it's much better that way," Nozomi shrugged as she waited for their reaction.

"It's not a bad idea," Tsukasa agreed while the others mumbled their agreement except for Kiko.

"Fine, we'll do it," Kiko groaned in annoyance but she knows that it was better to take legal action than to get even with her.

"Actually, there was someone with her that night," Nozomi mumbled. They all looked at her as she bit her lower lip and frowned.

"Did you see this person's face?" Tsukasa softly asked.

"Not really. I was a bit dizzy but I did hear his voice. He was arguing with Erika, he said she had gone too far. Then, she mentioned your name, Fujio." The said male tensed up as he met Nozomi's gaze.

"I think the guy was looking for you," Nozomi said. Tsukasa and Jamuo looked at each other as if they know who the younger twin is talking about.

"D-Did he says something else? Did he hurt you, too?" Fujio questioned.

"No." Nozomi shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows. "He was actually the one who called the ambulance."


Hey, guys! So, I'm currently free today. Finished some of my schoolwork and currently writing chapters from my other story. 

I've been trying on getting to know Snow Man, they're part of Johnny's group. Have you guys heard of them? 

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