Chapter Five: The Break In

Start from the beginning

"Thanks Dustin."

"And y/n I'm really sorry about Chrissy."

Dustin's kindness made my eyes well up. I wanted to hug him and thank him again but the words just wouldn't come out and I couldn't will my body to move so instead I gave him a wry smile that I hoped would convey how grateful I was. It must have done the job because Dustin returned my smile with a silly toothy grin of his own.

I sat in my car and watched Dustin walking back to the video store through my rear view mirror. There wasn't a single thought in my mind and my emotions were all screwed up, it felt like I didn't feel anything. I drove home on autopilot, when I pulled into my driveway I was shocked that I'd even made it. I took one last deep breath before getting out of my car. As I approached my front door I noticed that it was slightly open.

My parents aren't supposed to be back for another week.

Each follicle of hair on my body stood on edge. The shiver that traveled up and down my spine was relentless. I debated on my front porch whether or not to walk in for what felt like an eternity but I finally grew some balls and said fuck it. I crept into the house as quietly as I could but my front doors hinges squeaked as I shut the door. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut hoping and praying that whoever or whatever had been in my house had already left or didn't hear that. I held my breath waiting for some sort of indication of life but nothing.

Oh GOD, could it be one of those demo- whatever's the guys were telling me about?

I tried to calm my mind but at this point it was racing. My heart was beating so loud I thought I might hear it explode. If it was a person in my house I might be able to handle it but an inter dimensional monster animal, I'd be toast. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find out of the holder, checking each room. Nothing. It was time to check upstairs. I gripped the knife tightly in my sweaty palm, ready to use it if need be. I went room by room checking each closet, bathroom, even under each bed but there was not a single thing out of place.

My heart finally stopped thumping by the time I'd made it to my room. I quickly flung open the door and to my surprise there was someone on my bed! I recognized his long wavy hair almost immediately. Here was EDDIE MUNSON laying on top on my perfectly clean sheets in his grimy clothes from the day before. He didn't wake up in the slightest as I'd entered the room, knife still in my hand. If what the guys told me back at the video store was true then I really wasn't in any danger but if they're lying and Eddie did kill Chrissy then I could be his next victim. I couldn't take any chances by dropping my only weapon.

"Hey shithead! Wake up!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. There was no time for fake niceties, this was life or death.

Eddie jolted awake, the fear on his face clear as day and as soon as he took notice of the knife in my hand any little bit of color he had left completely drained from his face. He sat up in my bed staring at me all wide eyed as if I was the alleged murderer here.

"Y/n let's not make any rash decisions babe." He stuttered.

"Don't call the emotionally unstable girl holding a knife babe, it might not end well for you. How in the hell did you get into my house Munson!" My shriek was piercing even I was taken aback by how loud I could be.

"Okay okay. I used the spare key under the fake rock in your front yard, the one you used to use when you forgot your key. I remembered you had one there from back when I used to come over and plan campaigns with you." Eddie spoke softly and calmly holding his hand up ready to defend himself should I chose to use the knife.

I couldn't believe he'd remembered where the spare key was. He hadn't been to my house since we'd had our falling out but he still chose to come here, why?

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