Chapter 69: A haunting feeling and the second vision inside the dollhouse.

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-Marx pov-

I met this guy the day i woke up finding myself here...he had the same tattoos max has even though they were faded to the point that they weren't easily seen. I didn't know it at the time, especially since i woke up in a groggy daze but..i think he was a koopa, but he hardly looked like himself considering how pale and almost lifeless they looked. Poor that i'm thinking about it, something..drastic must've happened for him to look so..broken.

I never did see him again after that though...damn, i should've asked who he was...then again, if i did know his name then i can't help but think they would have told me not to reveal it.


Max and marx now stand in front of the dollhouse which, to max, felt as if this place was silently waiting for him. However, before max could take another step...max looked back at the barn. He instantly felt..a haunting feeling. It felt as if something familiar yet ominous is waiting patiently for him inside. "There's something in there..." Max utters feeling as if something is wanting him to go in...daring him to deviate from going into the dollhouse and go in the barn. "I know...that is the one place i have never been in...the one time i tried to go inside, which was..a long time ago, i was immediately pushed back by a unseen force. Clearly, i am not allowed to go in for whatever reason. As for you..i think it's obvious that it has some sort of malice.

Nothing good will come of it if you go in there now...i believe it is best to deal with the dollhouse first. Also, you won't need your deceiving aura...visions can't hear or see you anyway. Trust me, i know from experience." Marx tells max who gave marx a look of confusion.

-Max pov-

Why is marx telling me all of this..? What could possibly be inside that barn that forces marx to never go inside of it yet wants me to go inside? i walked up the rickety steps to the front porch and slowly walked to the front door that i previously unlocked earlier. What waits for me inside is something i will have to find out...


Max just stood there in front of the front door while marx landed on his shoulder. No doubt that max has a moment of dread, but this was more like a mere paper cut compared to the dread he experienced before encountering zöhm. "Here goes." Max says before turning the door handle and is greeted by the door itself creaking in a way that is unsettlingly creepy.

"Well, that's not creepy at all.." Max say sarcastically. "Oh, come on now...that's just the the dollhouse's way of saying welcome." Marx says in a jovial tone that completely confuses him before he cautiously walks inside.

-Max pov-

He talks as if this dollhouse is alive...if that's the ain't gonna suddenly start talking right..? Unless it's somehow possessed by some sort of spirit, which sounds so incredibly weird, then i doubt that. Or..maybe it's something more complicated? Meh..gotta focus on what's happening now.


Once the door is fully opened and max starts walking inside, a bright light can be seen that blinds max for a few seconds before it slowly dissipates. What he sees was not the inside of the dollhouse, but..the inside of a mansion, or..perhaps a castle much like bowser's? Either way, he is now before the presence of the grandest room he's has ever seen.

perhaps a castle much like bowser's? Either way, he is now before the presence of the grandest room he's has ever seen

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