Small timeskip

43 3 2

Timeskip of a month

Ellie's pov

"Oh god!! Gaelin I'm huge!!" I say looking at my stomach in the mirror. I'm just in my underwear and I look like a hippo!

"Your over exaggerating!" Amy says typing away on my laptop.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"Looking up badass baby names"

Gaelin rolls her eyes "it's been a month." she walks over to me and holds up a sweater then a baggy pink shirt. "your not huge ellie. you have the tinest bump ever."

She decides on a pink shirt and boyfriend jeans. I quickly put them on.

"Bye the way, when do you plan on telling Stan?" Amy says "ooo!! Blair! Or Andy! Or Rafi!" I shrug

"He's most likely already noticed." I say slipping on some trainers.

Amy puts on her docs while gaelin stuffs her feet in some boots.

"Come on, let's go shopping!" Gaelin says

"Baby shopping!!!" Amy says and as look at her shocked

"One I remind you it's been a month, and 2 Amy? Why do you want to go baby shopping?" Gaelin asks standin next to me. Amy shrugs

"I'm bored to be honest." she confesses "and I think baby's are adorable!!!"

"Well first you need to tell Stan it's his kid." gaelin reminds me

I sigh nodding "okay then"


Lamb: I wonder how stanny will react

Kyle: I think he'll be cool

Lamb: >:)

Elliott: *curled up sleeping with Aiden*

Lamb: feels....,. damnit tweek you deserve to be punished!

Tweek: GAH! *hides behind Craig*

Craig: hmm you really upset him

Tweek: I know...

Levi: *throws a light at tweek* lighten the fuck up! * throws gummy bears everywhere* HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!

Lamb: Levi?

Ellie: someone have him sugar..

Amy: *smirks proudly* I like hyper Levi

Levi: YAYAY!! Im a fairy! *crawls onto cupboard*

Aiden and Elliott: *wake up with all the comotion

Ash: .... *listening to music*

Levi: *jumps flapping his arms attempting to fly*

Aiden: *runs over and catches him* NO SUGAR LEVI! *kisses his forehead* you could have hurt yourself

Levi: *passes out in Aidens arms* zzzzzzzzzzzz

Gaelin: wow

Tweek: *jealous!!! JELLY JELLY JEALOUS!!*


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