"It means I'm not available. Have a good day" I tipped an invisible hat at him and attempted to push the door again.

He advanced forward but then stepped back at the offensive expression I shot at him. He held up his hands. "I'm sorry. I just want to get to know you, as a friend. You seem like a wonderful person, funny even. All I'm asking is to have - ice cream with you"

I leaned unto my right side. "Why? Look, I don't really know you. I'm sorry"

"And you probably won't if you don't take me up on the offer" he stated. "It's not far from here, come on"

The more mentions of the word 'ice cream' began to make me crave it. I could feel myself giving into the pressure. The image of a double-chip chocolate ice cream began to take form in my mind. Ugh. Now that I'd thought about it, it would keep infiltrating my thoughts till I had it. I let out a weak sigh. "Just one cup" I emphasized, moving my bag from the crook of my arm to my shoulder.

His smile broadened and held up a hand beside his head. "I promise. Scouts honour"


"So, I'm guessing you're not engaged or married?" Tom pointed at the bare fingers of my left hand and took another scoop of his banana-flavoured ice cream. "Is the father involved?"

My spoonful of ice cream hung midair as I gaped at him. I pursed my lips as I set my spoon down back into my Styrofoam cup and crossed my arms over the table. "I don't see how that's any of your business"

"I'm sorry, I was just curious"

Silence took over. I gazed at every passerby or car that moved past the transparent walls of the ice-cream parlour, whilst spoon-feeding myself. Business seemed slow for the evening. Asides from Tom and me, there were only two other customers in the place.

"Are you guys together, as in a couple?" Tom piped up.

I let my spoon fall back into my cup. "Bruh, what is your deal?" I held up my forefinger inches away from my thumb. "I'm this close to walking away right now"

"Sorry, I just wanted to know if I had a shot with you," he averted his eyes to the table between us and itched the back of his head.

"I thought you said, you just wanted to get to know me, like friends," I said

He lifted his gaze back to my face. "I know but . . . it doesn't hurt to try. I - I mean, you're beautiful, funny and obviously smart enough to be a doctor." He scratched behind his ear. "W-who wouldn't want to get to know you?"

I gave him a small smile. "Look, I'll be honest with you. I'm not looking to be in a relationship with anyone right now. I have a baby on the way and that's what I'm focused on. I'm sorry but I can only be friends"

His shoulders sank and he lowered his gaze to the black and white checkered flooring. I didn't want to be shallow but the shy boy persona he had going on, didn't in any way match his physical appearance. Buzz cut. Striking green eyes. Tall with toned muscles that proved constant work-outs. Even the jacket and long-sleeved button-up shirt couldn't mask it.

"So, what do you do?" I said, attempting to dilute the air of awkwardness. Also, because he knew so much about me and I had little to no idea who he was.

"I'm a full-time photographer. I take events like birthday parties, weddings, and bar mitzvahs. You know, stuff like that" he replied.

I sat up in my seat. "Really? Do you have like a business card or something?"

He patted his breast pocket and his cargo trousers then shook his head. "No, not on me right now"

I nodded and scooped another spoonful. "Well, do you take pregnancy photoshoots?"

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