The date (part 2)

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Emu jumped a little at how cold Mafuyu's hand was. She wasn't expecting that chilling feeling.

"Wow Mafuyu-chan!! Your hands are so cold!!"

"Ah, sorry Emu." Mafuyu pulled her hand away and continued to look out at the window.

Emu felt bad, and pulled Mafuyu's hand back. "NO! It's alright! I'll just warm it up using my hands!!" Emu put both her hands on Mafuyu's, staring intensely with a big grin.

Mafuyu giggled a little. She could never tell how serious Emu was, but they found that to be quite interesting nonetheless. It was nice being friends with someone on the more silly and fun side. 

Emu's warm hands felt nice and comforting. When Mafuyu looked over at Emu she was a bit shocked by the expression Emu had on her face.

She looked happier than ever, just staring right at Mafuyu.

"YOU'RE SMILING!" Emu practically yelled.

Thankfully not many were on the bus today, but Mafuyu still put her free hand over Emu's mouth.

"Emu..please be a little quieter.."

"Eh?! Sorry Mafuyu-chan!!"

"It's alright, but what do you mean I'm smiling?"

"Well you're smiling for real! Not some scary fake smile!"

"Oh...I see."

Mafuyu blushed a little. They were quiet suprised, and many thoughts ran through her head. 

She couldn't help but think what these feelings were that Mafuyu felt from Emu. It frustrated her very much, and she strived to know.

Mafuyu didn't have much time to really think, as the bus arrived at the aquarium.

"We're here!! Wonderhoy!!"

Emu got up, still holding Mafuyu's hand and walked off the bus. The 2 girls paid for their entry fees and walked in. There were many signs leading to all the different exhibits. Mafuyu would love to go see some nice little fish tanks, but this whole day was Emu's idea afterall so she let Emu choose.

Emu thought for a little, trying her best to decide what Mafuyu might like best. "Hm!! Wanna go see the dolphins first?"

Mafuyu nodded at Emu's suggestion and they both headed for the dolphins. On the way, there were lots of different fish tanks. Mafuyu walked slowly so she could look at them all. Emu still holding hands with her, couldn't help but blush. While this was going way better than planned, Emu couldn't help but turn red. It felt like a sweet romantic date, when in reality the 2 girls were just friends.

Emu didn't understand why she liked Mafuyu so much. The 2 girls first met at the sports festival as they were teamed up together. Emu was very scared of Mafuyu's fake persona, not understanding why Mafuyu couldn't just be herself. She still doesn't understand why Mafuyu fakes being happy around others.

Something hit Emu. Mafuyu hasn't been pretending to be happy around Emu.

She felt herself heating up and smiling. Emu was very excited that she was making Mafuyu feel this way, and wanted to pull Mafuyu in for the biggest hug ever. 

Mafuyu looked over at Emu.

"Oh? Are you alright? You look um.."

"HUH?! Yes I am absolutely sparkly-warkly fantastic!! Wonderhoy!"


They arrived at the dolphin exhibit, Emu running up to the glass and smushing her face against it. Mafuyu came up next to her and peacefully watched as the Dolphins swam around playing.


"Yes Emu, I am looking." 


Emu was all giggly and excited, looking at all the dolphins.

"OOO!! I just had a great idea for Wonderland x Showtime's next show!!"

"Oh! What do you have in mind?"

"Me, Nene-chan, and Tsukasa-kun could all be these cool dolphins that can transform into humans and we have cool super powers!! And then Rui-kun can be some evil guy who tries to take our powers!!"

"That's a very interesting concept. You're quite creative Emu!"



Emu felt her cheeks flush again. Every little compliment she got from Mafuyu made her feel so happy and excited. She never really felt this feeling from anybody. Sure Emu has had a few small little crushes here and there, but Mafuyu made her feel really special.

The 2 sat down on a bench, sitting in silence again.

There were many things they both would like to talk about, but they didn't know if the other was interested at all.

Even then, it was enough to just enjoy the moment, enjoy spending time together watching the dolphins swim around.

"Hey!! Do you have..uh..any crushes?"

"Ah..I'm not too sure if I'm being honest. I think I identify with being aroace..but I'm still trying to figure everything out."

"Oh really?! That's cool!! I'm ace as well!"

"Oh! I've never met another asexual person..! I'm not totally sure about being aromantic, but I do know I'm ace for a fact."

"I can help you research sometime!!"

"Really? that would be great."

"Alright! I'll keep that in mind."

The 2 girls talked for awhile, chatting about all the things they liked. They both shared a passion for music, and talked about their groups with each other.

It was getting quite late now so they both decided to head home. On the bus ride Emu rested on Mafuyu's shoulder, getting in a light nap before she had to walk all the way home.

"Goodnight Emu, I had fun today."

"Bye bye!!"

Mafuyu waved Emu goodbye at her house's door, while Emu skipped home very happily.

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