Day before (Part 2)

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Mafuyu woke up quite early this morning, 3 am to be exact. She was quite exhausted from school and ended up going to sleep right after they ate dinner, only to wake up for a tiny bit to go to her daily NIGHTCORD meeting. They laid in bed, staring at their ceiling. 

She thought of new song ideas in her mind. Lately she hasn't been able to focus all that well. Her mom has been taking Mafuyu out of the house quite often, and they just act as if she's fine with it. She would much rather sit in the sekai all day.

The sekai was quiet and empty. It was a comfortable space, as well as a hangout for Mafuyu and their friends.

She took their phone off the charger and looked at it, immediately opening NIGHTCORD. (NIGHTCORD is the name of the chat tool they use. Enanan- Ena, Amia- Mizuki, Yuki- Mafuyu, K- Kanade)


Amia: too late HAHAHAHAHAH

Enanan: NOOO!!O!O!O!O

Yuki: Good morning.

Amia: Oh hey whats up Mafuyu!!!?!

Yuki: Not a lot, I just woke up.


Yuki: Oh.

K: Oh you should sleep!! It's not healthy to skip it!!

Amia: ugh ok! ill take a nap later

K: Alright!

Yuki: Tomorrow I'm going to an aquarium with a lower-classman.

K: Ohh I hope you have fun!! Whats her name?

Yuki: Otori Emu. I Believe I have talked about her before to you.

K: Ah!! Yeah that sounds familiar

Amia: OOH OH! I know em!

Yuki: You do?

Amia: well not really! i kinda just heard of her from rui!!

Yuki: Oh I see. Otori-san is in that troupe with Kamishiro-san right? I believe it's called Wonder shows?

Amia: wonderland showtime!!!

Yuki: Yes, thats it.

Amia: ooo wait omg can i pick your date outfit out

Yuki: It is not a date, and that's alright I have something already.

Amia: omg send a pic of itt!!!


Amia: fr

Yuki: I said it's not a date, I'm not paticularly close with Otori-san.

Amia: why r u going thenn

Yuki: To be nice.

Amia: ugh if you say so! well def tell us about it okie!

Yuki: I will.

K: Have fun!

Mafuyu closed NIGHTCORD and went to the kitchen, making some breakfast. She didn't know how to really spend the day, and supposed it would just go however. 

After eating they went to go do a bit of studying, before going out into the unbearable, emo destroying sun for awhile.

When it was becoming late they came home and got ready for bed, snuggling up into her sheets. They opened NIGHTCORD one last time for today.

Yuki: Goodnight everybody.

K: Good night mafuyu!! sweet dreams!

Amia: yeah gn!

Enanan: ugh i was gonna pull and all nighter but im too tired, gn!

Amia: loserr

Enanan: die

Amia: no

Enanan: collapse

Enanan: perish

K: Both of you should sleep!! You too mafuyu i ccan see you're online still!!! You should be well rested for our meeting

Yuki: Sorry, I'll go to sleep now.

Mafuyu put their phone away, and finally went to bed.

She was excited for tomorrow, excited to see Emu.

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