1:00 AM

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Mafuyu woke up a few minutes before 1:00. She slowly got out of bed and was careful not to wake Emu up. Slowly tiptoeing over to her desk, then sitting down in their chair. They waited for NIGHTCORD to boot up, and upon opening the app she saw Kanade sitting in vc all alone.

Mafuyu joined the call.

"Hello Kanade."

"Hi Mafuyu. Are you able to reach Ena or Mizuki? Neither is responding."

"They might be asleep or busy. Let's give them a few minutes to join."

It was 1:05 AM. Kanade and Mafuyu slowly and quietly chatted about random things. Mafuyu reached into their backpack, pulling out a little notebook. She grabbed a pencil and jotted down some random song ideas as they listened to Kanade talk. Whenever Mafuyu responded, she made sure to talk extra quiet than they usually did, as she didn't want to wake Emu.

"You've been quite quiet. Is everything alright Mafuyu?"

"Yes. I have a friend sleeping over and I don't want to wake them."

Mizuki had finally joined the call, it was 1:18 AM. 

"Hey heyy!! Sorry I'm so late I got sidetracked while scrolling through Tumblr."

"That's alright Mizuki. Me and Mafuyu were just discussing things about our newest song."

"Ohh! Alright tell me what you got so far."

Mafuyu circled all the good ideas on the notebook and typed them into the chat. "I'll send some ideas I had in the idea channel..uh..who renamed it to be 'ideas slay queen!'...?"

"HEHE! That was me hehe...me and Ena were on call earlier and made the amazing decision to name it that."


Mafuyu typed the ideas in and sent them. She had LGBTQ on their mind, most of the song ideas being centered around the topic.

"Oh! I like the idea about the one about the trans dude!"

Kanade nodded, but then realized they weren't on video call so she quickly responded with a "I agree."

"Some lyric ideas I was thinking of was uh...just generally about the person being called a 'villain' for being trans."

"I love that." Kanade opened up her mixing program and got to work on setting up a basic beat. She shared her screen to the others and they all contributed to working on it, but Kanade did most of the composing. Mafuyu and Mizuki worked on the lyrics together, Mafuyu making sure to take Mizuki's input in since Mizuki themself was trans.

Finally, at 1:50 AM, Ena had joined the call. 

"Ugh sorry I'm absolutely so late! I fell asleep.."

"It's alright Ena, we still have plenty of time!" Kanade comfortingly patted the screen.

"Sooo what have you guys been working on?!"

"A song!!" Mizuki opened up the lyrics so far and began singing it. Ena gave a small, quiet clap.

"What are you guys naming it?"

"I don't know." Mafuyu leaned back in her chair and looked at her ceiling, placing paper on their face and blowing on it.

"Well you need a name for it! Otherwise I can't draw anything like the cover art...I need a name in mind!" Ena was a bit pissed off since they had all this time, and didn't even consider a song name yet.

Kanade thought for a bit, and decided to give a name idea. "What about 'Crazy Villain'?" 

"Oh!! Or just simply...Villain!" Mizuki added.

Everyone agreed to it and got back to working on whatever they were doing before, slowly chatting about random things.

"Kanade can we please add a music bot? I'm so bored!" Mizuki pleaded.

"Mizuki...no. It will make it hard for me to focus.."

"Yeah!! You always pick the worst songs for relaxing! Just listen to your own spotify." Ena did not want to replay the last time they let Mizuki add a music bot to the call. Mizuki filled the queue up with songs by Maretu, and just added stuff back whenever people hit the skip button.

Mafuyu was so focused on her work, she hadn't noticed she accidentally woke Emu up whilst singing the lyrics. Emu rubbed her sleepy eyes and got up, slowly approaching. 


Mafuyu shot out of her seat and fell onto the ground, creating a loud enough sound everyone on call could hear.

"Ah- Mafuyu what happened..?" Kanade asked concerningly, but Mafuyu didn't respond as her headphones fell off. 

"Mafuyu-chan! What are you doing up so late..." Emu reached out and helped Mafuyu up.

"Sorry Emu, my music group and I usually go on call early in the morning."

"But it's not good for you! Come on let's go to bed!"

Emu dragged Mafuyu to bed, but Mafuyu ran back to the computer. "Sorry guys, I'm being kicked off for the night."

She left the call and went back to the bed and cuddled with Emu again, until they both fell asleep.

Kanade, Ena, and Mizuki were all left in confusion and spent the rest of the call talking about what happened with Mafuyu. 

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