Good Morning to My Sunshine

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The sun quietly peaked through the curtains in Mafuyu's room. The morning was peaceful, and Mafuyu felt a strange sensation as she slowly woke up. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked at the ceiling. Normally, it felt like an obstacle to do something so simple as waking up. However, things were different this time. Mafuyu had Emu by her side. 

As Mafuyu became more aware of herself and her surroundings, she had realized Emu was snuggled tightly against her body. The only sounds in the room was the faint chirping of the birds outside, and Emu's soft, sleepy breathing. Mafuyu watched carefully as the girl's chest slowly rose up, and then back down again. The sight made Mafuyu's heart flutter. She started to blush, and when she felt her face the contrast between her cold hand and warm cheeks shocked her. The action caused Emu to wake up.

Mafuyu felt sorry for waking her up, but knew she would have to eventually get up anyway. Emu sleepily yawned, her arms stretching up and out as if she were a cat. It was adorable, Mafuyu thought to herself. 

"Good morning, Emu." Mafuyu spoke softly and smiled as she reached to gently push the messy pink strands away from her girlfriend's face. "G'mornin..." Emu responded back, still very sleepily.

Mafuyu but smile even more. Once Emu fully opened her eyes, she noticed the face her beloved was making. 

Something hit Emu at that moment. She gazed at Mafuyu more and more. Analyzing her face, her smile, and...her lips. Emu found herself blushing too out of shyness. 

"Emu, what's the matter?" Mafuyu took notice of how nervous the other looked at that moment. She pulled her into an even closer cuddle than they were in before. Emu blushed more as her face grew increasingly closer to Mafuyu's. "Mafuyu..." Emu whispered. "Could- could I-" Emu struggled to make the words out exactly, but Mafuyu started to get what Emu was hinting at.

Mafuyu leaned in close and kissed Emu, on the lips this time. Emu's eyes widened but then fluttered shut, accepting the kiss happily. Mafuyu has never felt happier before. Her heart felt warm, and her body felt as if she were floating. Neither girl had ever kissed someone before, but it didn't stop the kiss from feeling so magical.

Once their lips parted Mafuyu smiled at Emu. "I love you, Emu."

"I love you too, Mafuyu." Emu responded.

The same girl who used to be in fear of Mafuyu's presence, the same girl who could barely talk to her, was her girlfriend who she now loved so very much. She knew it, this was love, and from the person she least expected.  Mafuyu knew she achieved true happiness.




the long awaited finale, its been over a year sorry lolol,,,, im more active on wattpad than here!
it's a short chapter, im sorryy :')! if this fic gets enough attention I'll consider rewriting the whole thing considering my skills have greatly improved since then, as well as increasing the length!

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