Chapter 1

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I could feel the wind as I flew through the air, I wasn't used to this much room to fly around in the sky. It was truly a rare sight to see a seeker flying home from a nice solar cycle out instead of fighting for their spark out on the frontlines. The thought of so many seekers signing up to be a soldier made me feel a little pathetic, but I have a good reason to be safe in Polyhex city... Well, as safe as one can be in the middle of war. I am a young medic in training, one of the only ones that hadn't been sent to be field medics on one of Cybertrons' moons that is. I still feel a bit guilty that I turned down the offer to help so many sparks in need.

My thoughts distracted me from my flying, an extremely angry Blue and Green four wheeler snapped me out of it, complaining that I had nearly crashed right into his window. I was nearly home by then, only a few kliks away. I sped up, trying to get home as fast as I could. It was getting very dark very fast and really I don't want to have to fly in the dark! I mayyyy have gone a bit over the speed limit and nearly crashed into another window, this time an irritated two wheeler came out and screamed something about how a piece of scrap like me should be on the frontlines and not someone called 'Ironblitz'. That actually really hurt, but I just brushed it off, knowing thinking about it would ruin my whole solar cycle.

Just as I straightened out my flying again, I could see through a window of an especially fancy building that had a lot of important and rich bots inside, they most likely made a lot of shanix off the war, selling energon and supplies to places like Kaon. They look like they're laughing at a comedian and drinking lots of high grade. Primus, I would kill for some high grade right now.

I flinched as a huge crash entered my audio receptors, alerting anyone nearby. I glanced through the fancy window again and the rich guys were obviously not to pleased that their fun had been interrupted. I tried to speed over as fast as I could to where my audio receptors picked up the crash, hoping no one was severely hurt. A seeker soon came into view, an extremely battered and injured looking one. Wait, a seeker? I haven't seen another seeker since the start of the war. Maybe she had fallen all the way from Luna one or two! I transformed and ran over to the seeker, hoping all my medical training would finally be useful, but I was stopped by a servo gripping onto my bitarlueus.

I turned to see a strong looking bot with blue, white and black paint. "I uhhh- Hello enforcer, what are you doing here?". I'm so stupid! That sounded so suspicious! I awkwardly smiled at the larger bot, hoping I wasn't trespassing or something. I glanced over at the damaged seeker and saw three other enforcers dragging the poor bot away, they were acting more suspicious than I was at that point! "Well? Are you gonna tell me what a young bot like you is doing here scrap head?". The enforcer seemed really irritated, I straightened up and looked up at him, the awkward smile disappearing. " I was going to go help that seeker, sir!", "And how exactly were you going to do that?", "I'm a medic in training!". The enforcer raised an optical ridge at that. "Sir-", stupid, stupid, STUPID. "Well you don't have to worry about that now, you should just go home and forget this ever happened.". The enforcer let go of my bitarlueus and walked off.

I turned to see that the seeker and the three other enforcers were gone, "Welp, guess I won't be putting ALL my medic skills to use!". I was disappointed, well disappointed was an understatement, but I was more suspicious than anything. Why had that seeker fallen all the way down here? Why were the enforcers not letting me help? Why had they dragged the injured seeker off like they were scrap metal? And why did the enforcer ask me to forget this ever happened?


Kliks = Minutes

Solar Cycle = A Day

Shanix = Money

High Grade = Wine

Luna 1/2 = Cybertrons' Moons

Optical Ridge = Eyebrow

Audio Receptors = Ears

Servo = Hand

Bitarlueus = Forearm

Scrap Head = Idiot, Stupid

Scrap Metal = Trash

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