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The past holds many secrets, lives forgotten to the waves of time.

But some of these secrets were meant to be forgotten.

An age of destruction long before the lives of the heroes of the modern age.

A war that shaped the lives of all Cybertronians,

even if they were completely oblivious.

As Cybertron grew,

many of it's inhabitance left to discover what was just out of reach,

but some did not like how adventurous the young civilization was getting.

Cybertron was seen by some as a ticking time bomb,

waiting to be set off.

It was only a matter of time before they came for inhabited planets.

A particularly paranoid civilization soon turned on Cybertron and attacked one of their space shuttles,

leading to the murder of one of Cybertrons greatest scientists and destroying their work.

The Cybertronians wanted the attackers to be brought to justice,

leading them to attacking a food transportation shuttle,

leaving many to resort to rationing their food supply.

The back and forth of fighting eventually lead to

The Age of the Forgotten.

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