Chapter 3

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A few days passed since then and Ace is learning about supernaturals and stuff from his king.

He learned about devils in depth, That sofie is actually a princess in underworld, Being daughter of Devil king, Serafall leviathan.

While Ingvild too is a princess but by blood while Sofie is princess by her family.

Ingvild is desendent of original leviathan while Sofie is daughter of current leviathan.

He is also doing some physical exercises to awake his sacred gear,Because last time he tried to awak his gear, He was unable to awake it.

So he began training his body to awake it,Actually.

Right now he was in school,Studying in his class with Sofie and Ingvild, They are still friends, Sofia don't consider ingvild and Ace as her servent but friends and part of family and Vice Versa.

Ace consider them as friends,Not his king or master or even queen, But he knows when he needs to be formal like a few days ago, Sofie's grandparents visited her and He considered sofie as his king and master in front of Them, Just trying not to be disrespectful.

School finished and he went to clubhouse which he joined as a member of it and they do devil jobs there.

He was waiting for Sofie to arrive while ingvild was already there and he asked out of curosity"Hey ingvild!"

"Yes Ace do you want to ask something?"Ingvild asked and he nodded"How did you met Sofie? "

"Its a long story, I am actually more than a hundred years old but both mind and body remained for a teenager"She informed and he asked"How so? "

"I was borned in human world as a hybrid, I lived my life as human but i somehow got caught into a diesese called Devil sleep and i slept for a whole century"She said and he heared her carfully.

"Being a leviathan, I was sent to underworld and When Lady serafall became new incharge of leviathan territory,She also get to know about me and About 5 years ago, I woke up due to manifestation of my sacred gear, Lady serafall took me to her house and their i met Sofie and we became friends and Thats how i met her"Ingvild finished her story and he clapped for her"Amazing story"

"This is all real"Ingvild deadpanned and he nodded"I know that much"

"What are you two talking about"Sofie entered the conversation and ingvild replied"I was just telling ace about my past"

"Thats good, We should know about each other, Its makes bonds stronger"Sofie said and Ace nodded"Yes i too belive in that"

"Anyway, Can i now awake my sacred gear, I am just soo excited for that"Ace asked with excitement

"Yes,You can try if you think you are strong enough"Sofie said and he nodded and She instructed"Focus all of your power at one place"

He nodded and closed his eyes and after few moments, White and blue wings emerged from his back and he opened his eyes and looked at his wings and his mouth was wide open"Oh these are so damm cool"

"A longinus class"Sofie exclaimed as she didn't expected this, She knew it was a dragon type and she thaught it was one of virtra series because Heavenly dragons are very rare.

"You mean like god Killing,So i have power to kill even gods? I am so damm amazing right"Ace was overjoyed and He then asked"But what does my gear called anyway"

"Divine dividing,A mid-tier longinus class sacred gear, Which holds my soul, I am albion the vanishing heavenly dragon and Direct rival to Y goch ddraig, Welsh heavenly dragon"A voice said from his wings

"My gear can speak"Ace exclaimed and albion said"Ofcourse i can speak because i have a big mouth"

"You said you are a dragon? Does that i am a dragon too? "Ace asked and Albion replied"Yes you are very much dragon-kin yourself but not a full dragon"

"But i wanted to be a cool dragon"Ace cried and albion asked"Whats your favorite colour and what colour of dragon you want to be if you get a chance"

"Obviously spotless white, Complete snowy white"Ace replied and Albion smirked on hearing his answer"Whats your name my new host, Even though i know it already but i want to hear from you"

"I am Ace black, Nice to meet you, Albion the vanishing dragon"Ace said and albion asked"Were you serious on being a dragon? "

"Yes i still want to be a dragon"Ace said and albion said"I can turn you into a dragon but you will appear human and will be able to transform into dragon on your will"

"Thats so cool but whats the benifits"Ace asked and albion informed"You will gain a much stronger body and your strength will increase along with other physical powers as well as your magic will increase exponentially because of me being expert at magic"

"And disadvantages"Ace asked and albion explained"Being dragon, You will be vunerable to curses, and Dragon slaying weapon but having me inside you, Will make you immune to poison and fire"

"Any special reason for being immune just by having you"Ace asked out of curiosity

"I was immune to all kind of poison and flames and That will apply on my hosts as well, and you are my new host"Albion explained and ace nodded"I agree,Turn me into dragon"

"Ace! It can be dangerous you are not strong enough to handle draconification completely just yet"Sofie said and albion said"I too think, Devil girl is right, Train and get strong first and then i will turn you into dragon"

"I understand it, I will get stronger first then"Ace said with determination as he turned to sofia"How can i get stronger"

"Keep doing physical exercises and ingvild and i will start teaching you magic as well"Sofie said and Ace asked"But how can you do that,Summer break is in few weeks and you might be returning back"

"You are coming with us"Sofie said and his eyes widened"Me at hell? "

"Yes,You at hell, My Home, Will you come with us"She asked with cute face and he nodded"Okay i will go with you to hell"

"Hell is actually much different from underworld"Sofie said and ace didn't used his brain on that and ignored her and he said"Can you make some wieghts for me by magic for training?"

"Yes how heavy do you want them to do"Sofie asked and he replied"1500 lbs"

"How will you walk with those"Ingvild asked out of curiosity and he replied"If i have big dreams then i will have to grind for them and you are right, I might not be able to walk with weights on first day buf there will be one day,When i will be running with same weights on"

"Then wear even more weigths, Some on hands and some on shoulder and chest"Albion added and he nodded"Yes give me weights that albion said"

Next moment Ace fell on ground and he asked"What was that" and ingvild replied"I placed invisible weights on your body, So you can train 24x7"

"Thank you for that, I will get stronger for sure with this training"

Thats it for chapter

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