Round 7 - Out of Reach

30 2 5


1. One of the characters must have a secret —

2. The words: "We need to go back to the beginning to figure this out."—

3. Lastly, end with a big old cliffhanger. —Word count must be between 1900 (min) and 2000 (max).

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Note: as this story, so far, has been continuing from the beginning of this contest, it would be best for readers to start at Round 1 to understand the name changes of the royal people in hiding and the connections being revealed between the characters.

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Facing King Marok, his guards and footmen with crowds of awestruck people, most still kneeling, Jo and Jaz had eyes only for their father and brother still on their knees.

Tears streamed down both faces as Max and Rik beheld the twins, whole and unhurt, no sight or smell of smoke or burns anywhere in their clothes or on their bodies.

Simultaneously Max and Rik wiped their tears, Rik using his hands and Max the edge of his grubby garment. After a week in that dirty dungeon, they needed to wash and change their clothes.

Tyron spoke to his dumbfounded king, "Sire, shall we return to your castle, to your throne room?"

Staring at his chief adviser and friend with a blank face, King Marok couldn't find a voice to speak. He whispered, "We must, we, we should leave... here..."

Stepping as close as he dared, Tyron asked, "Sire, what shall we do with the prisoners?"

Silence was long and the crowd began to stand and make conversation.

Mustering his royal voice, King Marok commanded, "The interlopers will leave us. We want none of them. They don't belong in our kingdom. Their magic or whatever it is, is too powerful, it is not for us..."

He muttered, "I've read in an ancient book of this... but it can't be real..."

Quieter, "I need to be in my castle to consider...

"Have them escorted north, out of our kingdom. I never want to see them again."

"I'll accompany you, Sire," Tyron said.

"No! Arrange the escort and ride with it! Report back to me when they are over the border and on the other side of Venomous Valley. Hopefully, the devils there will have destroyed them."

Jo and Jaz felt great relief. Jo took her father's hands and helped him stand, supporting him while Jaz did the same for Rik. As one the foursome embraced.

Rik, wiping fresh tears, whispered, "I couldn't look... I don't know what happened... we'd just met and, and I've been horrible... I don't know how you're still here, but will you forgive me?—for now and what I was like in Beltronia."

Jo and Jaz assured him of their forgiveness.

Turning to glance down the road at King Marok, Jo watched him being helped into a small carriage, horses drawing it away. Footmen ran in front and behind.

The foursome talked quietly while Tyron chose their escort.

"We should be going south," Max said.

"Yes, to return home," Rik agreed.

The twins shared their thought, 'Home was here, at the monastery; we have no home now.'

"We should follow Marok's instructions and go north to find our freedom before we make plans," Jo said.

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