Round 5 - IS IT REAL?

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Summonsed by the sound of a shrill voice, the trio woke.

A bent, old lady, carrying a lit candle, hovered over them; her short ragged hair glowing whiter than snow.

"Come, follow me," she whispered.

As one, they obeyed.

She led to an armory, commanding, "Dress up, add a surcoat and choose weapons."

Ignoring the woman's instructions, Jo dressed in the surcoat alone, selecting a helmet to suit. Looking across at her brother, communicating to one another; 'We don't need weapons.'

Jaz followed her actions while their father obeyed the order.

Jaz and Jo wondered at their obeisance to this unknown female; their thoughts transferring that the whole metal costume would be too heavy...

While Jaz helped his father, Jo asked, "Will we be doing battle, ma'am?"

"Follow me," she ordered, stepping into the dark corridor.

Following her light, the twins would have turned back, but found their feet walked of their own accord.

Max, his armor heavy, trudged behind.

Guards at various portals of the secret dwellings behaved as if they never saw them— as did city guards on outer exits.

'We're sleep-walking,' Jo and Jaz's thoughts merged. Jo smiled, whispering, "We might appear to be ghosts."

Jaz smiled at her. "An adventure," he whispered.

The candle-bearer moved ahead but still, they saw her light.

It seemed hours later, they arrived in the clearing, remembering with dislike, that battle-field of blood.

Sunrise beams lit the sky.

No longer did the woman hold a candle, nor did her hair glow.

Together, the twins and their father gasped. Not far from where they stood now was a young man on all fours.

His matted, dark hair, loose. His silky, midnight blue garb shone but dull in the sun, torn and stained. He appeared as something from a nightmare. Green strands of grass hung from his mouth.

They shared a shocked thought; 'He's eating grass!'

Bucking up, the young adult shot across the clearing and into the trees.

Puzzled stares clouded three faces; they turned to view the old lady and her reaction...

"They're coming to kill him!" she called, adding, "You must save him."

Not understanding and frowning at her as one, they looked at each other.

Casting her eyes to Max, she said,"He's your son," then to the twins, "and your brother!"

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