viii. Robin Buckley

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Watching the way that Robin looked at Vickie killed me. All I saw was adoration in her eyes whenever she looked at the girl. I couldn't blame her though; she was gorgeous. Red hair, porcelain skin, freckles, funky style, good personality; she was perfect in Robin's eyes. The way she talked about her on a daily basis pained me even more. I could tell that Steve knew but chose not to say anything.

The countless times I've cried from knowing that Robin was in love with her and not me. I wanted her to be in love with me, I wanted it bad. But, she was in love with Vickie and what I wanted most was for her to be happy, even if it's not with me. So I refuse to say anything about it, wanting to avoid ruining our friendship. I also didn't want her to feel bad or pity towards me.

I knew she was oblivious to how I felt. I wanted to blame her for the pain but she did nothing wrong. I just couldn't believe I had let myself fall for her as hard as I did.

"Y/N! Guess what!," Robin exclaimed, rushing into Family Video for her shift. I turned around to face her, "what?" I asked, hoping that Vickie didn't finally ask her out.

"Vickie asked me on a date! Tonight at seven!" she said, excitingly. My eyes widened and I tried my best to put on a smile. "Oh wow! That's awesome! I'm so happy for you," I said. "I really can't believe it. This is probably the best day of my life," she said, walking around the counter.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to head out for lunch. See you later," I waved at her and grabbed my stuff. As soon as I got in my car and shut the door I started bawling. I can't believe this is happening. The one thing I dreaded ever happening just happened.

I drove the best I could with tears covering most of my vision. I knew it wasn't safe but I just needed to get home.

I eventually made it home and I parked and immediately got out, running up to my room. My parents weren't home yet so I'd have the house to myself for a while until they did.

I decided that I'd call in later to work saying that I got sick, probably food poisoning. I didn't really wanna talk to anyone, I just wanted to isolate myself. I knew it wasn't a healthy thing to do but I just needed to be alone.

I've tried so damn hard to get over Robin but it was way easier said than done. I was head over heels in love with her but she didn't feel the same. She loved Vickie. She doesn't even know about me liking girls, I never found the courage to tell anyone. I knew that her and Steve would accept me but it still scared me.

I shut my eyes, hoping to get some rest. I snuggled under my warm comforter and fell asleep almost instantly.

I had been asleep for about an hour when my phone on my nightstand started ringing. I turned over and picked it up, placing it by my ear.

"Hello?" I said, groggily.

"Hey, it's Steve. You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago after lunch. Where are you?"

"Oh, I felt really sick after I ate lunch so I came back home to lie down for a bit. I guess that turned into almost an hour. I'm so sorry," I said.

"It's okay. How're feeling now?," he asked.

"Eh, like shit. I think I might've gotten food poisoning or something."

"Well, I'm gonna come by real quick if that's alright. Get you some soup and Sprite to help you feel a bit better."

"Are you sure? You really don't have to."

"Yeah, of course. Be there in twenty. I'll tell Keith you aren't feeling well." he said before hanging up.

I guess I'm having company. I cleaned up my room a bit before he came over since it was kind if messy.

I brushed my hair out so it wouldn't look like a rat's nest anymore and I walked downstairs to watch some TV. I turned it on and it played some random station with a sitcom I've never seen before.

I grabbed a blanket from under the coffee table and put it over me, feeling its warmth.

I heard a loud knock on my front door and I jumped a bit, not expecting it. "Who is it?" I asked. "Steve!" "Come in!"

The doorknob turned and the door opened and Steve walked in. He came over to the couch and sat in front of my legs.

"So I didn't actually come here because you "felt sick". I came over because Robin had told me that Vickie had asked her out."

I looked up at him confused, "How does that-" "I know you have feelings for her, I always have. I could see it all over your face for the past two years." I turned down the TV and sat up and crossed my legs. "Please don't tell anyone, especially Robin," I pleaded. "I would never do that. You have nothing to worry about," he reassured. I looked over at him and noticed the grocery bags placed beside him. "If you didn't come here because I felt sick, what are those bags for?" I asked. He reached into on and pulled out ice cream and candy. My eyes brightened and I smiled. "Awe, thank you. You really are the best friend."

I put on a movie and he got some spoons for the ice cream. He came back over and sat down beside me and handed me a spoon. I dug some candy out of the bag as well and I opened my ice cream and plunged my spoon into it.

I rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the night as much as I could. All my worries had temporarily washed away and when my mom got home she cooked us some dinner.

Steve ended up staying the night, which he's done before. We just stayed in the living room and fell asleep on the couch around 4 a.m. because we watched a bunch of movies.

I was still extremely upset about the whole Robin situation. But, at least I have my best friend by my side.

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