The Party

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Later that evening, Anthony found himself outside of Bella's house, about to go in and step into the party. He could already hear music blaring from where he was stood outside. He walked up to the front door and stepped inside into the madness.

there was people everywhere, most he recognised but some he didn't. He immediately started trying to find Abisha, pushing past dancing bodies and blinking through the flashing, colourful lights.

After searching through the house for a while, he was about to give up and just get a drink when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned around to see Abisha in front of him. His mood immediately picked up, but before he could say anything, abisha spoke.
"Come on, we're playing truth or dare!"

He took Anthony's arm and pulled him to where a circle of other teens were sat, Anthony having no choice but to follow.

They sat down, Anthony more hesitantly than abisha, having a bad feeling in his stomach.

"Alright, i'll spin first, whoever the bottle lands on, gets asked truth or dare." Said Bella.

She spun the bottle, everyone watching it excitedly before it finally landed on Camron, who chose dare.

"Camron, I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room!" exclaimed Bella, with a wink to Sammy.

Camron stood up, walking straight over to Sammy, or so they thought. At the last minute, he turned to Ellie, who was next to Sammy and kissed her, sparking gasps and ooo's from the circle.

Sammy looked heart broken, staring at them in shock for a moment before getting up and leaving, crying. Ellie and Camron didn't even notice, however, because they were still snogging eachothers faces off.

"Uhm, okay, that was unexpected... but you can stop kissing now, it's your turn to spin, Cameron." Said Bella.

The two hesitantly separated before Camron spun the bottle again, this time, it landed on Jimmy, who chose truth.

"Hmm... have you ever pissed out of a window?"

Jimmy looked down in embarrassment, before nodding and saying, "Yeah.."

Everyone either laughed at him or ewwed, before he quickly spun the bottle again to change the subject. This time, it landed on Lewis, who picked dare.

"Okay uhh.... oh! I dare you.. to do seven minutes in heaven with Lily!" He grinned, and everyone watched as the two got up and went upstairs, both blushing.

"Uhmm they might be a while, so let's just carry on without them." Hannah said.

With that, Ali spun the bottle, and this time it landed on Abisha, who, unsurprisingly chose dare.

"I dare you to snog the most attractive girl in this room." Dared Ali.

Abisha glanced around at the girls in the circle before locking eyes with Hannah, he walked over to her slowly, and bent down infront of her before resting his hand on her cheek and kissing her. Everyone around them ooo'ed as abisha's hands move down to her waist and they snogged before suddenly they heard a loud noise and saw anthony had stormed away, the glass he was once holding shattered on the floor.

Abisha quickly pulled away from Hannah, whispering a quick sorry to her, to which she replied with a soft smile and an understanding nod, and with that, abisha ran after anthony, leaving everyone else just staring on in confusion.

Anthony had ran out into the front garden, barely able to see anything in the moonlight. He was about to leave when Abisha gripped his arm, forcing him to turn and face him.

"Anthony, what was that all about?"

"It doesn't matter, just forget about it!" Anthony barked, trying to leave again, but Abisha's hold on him was too tight.

"No, tell me, you've been like this all week, what's wrong?!"

"I said leave it!"

"No, I won't leave it, because you've been treating me like shit all week, i'm sick of it! What have i done?!"

"Oh my god Abisha, not everything's about you! I told you, i've been having a bad week, now will you just let me go?!" He shouted back.

"No! I'm supposed to be your best friend! You're supposed to trust me and tell me things, so what are you hiding from me?!"

They were both shouting at eachother now, causing a few couples that were making out outside of the house to look watch, including Sammy and Haris.

Anthony sighed, trying to keep his voice down, "Can we not just do this another time, Abisha?"

"When, Anthony?!  I've been trying to have this conversation with you all week! Just spit it out already because i'm sick of this! I've tried so hard to be understanding but I just cant do this anymore!"

Anthony glared at him, before ripping his arm out of Abisha's grasp and hissing quietly, "Just fuck off Abisha."

With that, he walked off and left the party, making his way back to his house in the dark, Abisha still stood watching him where he left him, silently.

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