Abisha's POV

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Abisha found himself on his way to geography class yet again. Only this time, Anthony wasnt with him. For some reason, Anthony had been acting weird and avoiding him all week, but he didnt know why. Had he done something wrong?

When he made it to Geography class, Mr James shouted at him for being late as usual, but he just ignored him and went and sat down in his chair next to Hannah.

Hannah greeted him with a smile and then carried on doing her work. She was really smart, and while she talked to him during lessons she would also do her work, a skill he didnt have, which is why he never really got much work done, but Hannah gave him the answers anyway.

He was just asking her for the answer to question 4 when the classroom door opened and Anthony walked in.

"Why are you so late, Anthony?!" Mr James shouted.

Anthony shrugged as he slumped down into his seat, ignoring Mr. James as he gave him a detention for his lateness.

Abisha tried to catch Anthony's eye, but he wouldnt even look up from his book, which was very unusual, considering Anthony never did any work. Abisha sighed and turned to Hannah, saying,
"Do you know what's wrong with him?"

Hannah shook her head, never taking her eyes off her work, "No, I have noticed he's been acting strange though."

"Yeah... he hasn't really spoken to me lately, I think he's avoiding me but I dont know why.."

Hannah looked up, and the first thing she was greeted with was Anthony glaring at her from across the classroom, looking like he wanted to murder the two of them, but when he made eye contact with Hannah, he quickly looks away.

Hannah raised her eyebrows before turning to Abisha,
"Well maybe you should ask him, he's your best friend after all. And whatever it is, it must be really bugging him. Maybe he just needs to talk to someone about it?"

Abisha nodded slowly, "Yeah, thanks, i'll try asking him about it."

They both smiled at eachother, and Hannah could almost feel Anthony's eyes boring holes into the side of her head, but she tried to brush it off and ignore it.

They carried on speaking throughout the lesson, Hannah absently drawing on his hand, when she remembered something.

"Oh, Abisha! I forgot to tell you, but Bella is having a party at her house on friday night, do you and Anthony want to come? Invite all your other friends too of course, we want everyone there!"

"Oh, sure, we love parties, just text us the details and i'll tell all of my mates to come too. Maybe it will cheer Anthony up!"

On that note, the bell rang to signal the end of the lesson, and they all packed up their things and left the classroom. However, before Anthony could leave, Abisha grabbed his wrist, forcing him to stay back with him in the now empty classroom.

Abisha turned to Anthony and said,
"Anthony, did I do something wrong? You've been avoiding me all week, and I have no idea why."

Anthony looked down at the hand still gripping his wrist, fighting back a blush before looking up at the boy infront of him,
"N-no, you havent done anything wrong. I'm sorry, I guess i've just been a little stressed recently, but it's not your fault."
He smiled at him to accentuate his point.

Abisha carried on staring at him unsurely for a few more seconds before nodding slowly,
"Okay then.. well, Bella is having a party on friday, would going there cheer you up? I know you love parties, it might relieve some stress for atleast one night?"

Anthony nodded, "Yes, that would be great, thank you Abisha."

Abisha smiled and wrapped his arm around the smaller boy's shoulders, saying, "Any time, now come on, lets go home."

With that, they left the classroom, Abisha with his arm around his friends shoulders and Anthony trying his hardest to hide the massive red blush on his face.

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