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The video started, and Valt was sitting in the middle of a dark room. "Every thought is a battle, every breath is a war and I don't think I'm winning anymore." There was a pause as tears came to his eyes.  "Why are they surprised to see me die? Did they not see the death in my eyes? The sorrow behind the smile? How I constantly hated myself and how I was suicidal? Did they not notice the scars? The bags under my eyes? Did they really not realise? Or did they just not care?"

"Valt?" Came Shu's voice, and Valt looked up, presumably towards the door, a sad, almost guilty look in his eyes. "Valt, where are you?"

"But what if I had told you I wanted to die? That I was tired of living, of being alive? What if I had said it gets worse at night? The thoughts got louder and nothing is right. Imagine if I lied and said everything was alright. No, I'm not crying. I swear I'm alright. What happens when I die? I doubt you'd even cry. Would you even care if I take my own life?" The video cut off, and Shu shook, knowing exactly what happened next. He remembered that night as clear as day. The night this word's light faded away.

(COMPLETED) [This Is It] [Valt Aoi]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant