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Eleven woke up again in consciousness in her body, in the bathtub of a pizzeria with Mike, Will, Jonathan and Argyle holding her, for a few moments she didn't know what to think or what to do next, the only thing she was sure of was that she had saved Max. Henry.... She didn't know why she kept thinking about the expressions on his horrifying face, but even so, with that aspect, frightening and horrifying that would haunt Eleven forever, if she could recognize the same color of blue eyes, of the friendly Order in the Hawkins laboratory, the same look and that confused her greatly.

She was also aware that he was no longer the Henry she knew, he had told her himself, he showed her everything he had done since the incident that day in the laboratory, although she was not entirely sure, of everything they had said to each other. In the wasteland of Henry's mind, she had a feeling that he had been truthful when he answered what he thought about things in the past, it made her wonder, if there might be a way to prevent this from happening.

The bloodshed stops, but then he remembers that he tried to tell him about the past they shared together, moreover, He continued to look indifferent and imposing, totally sure of his next actions.

Eleven couldn't help but sigh with sadness, it seemed that there was no other way to go, the decision had already been made, destiny was written, there would be no turning back, no one would turn back, the only thing left was to follow the path he had chosen for her with the ones she loves, thinking this way, she can only react in the way that she is expected to.

- Max is safe - she told them, seeing how their faces showed total relief - but we have to return to Hawkins immediately, they don't have much time left I'm sure H-Vecna will attack again, if we hurry we'll get there before him, he might start attacking again, from what I could see, the plan worked, they managed to hurt him, but I also know that he has not died yet - she told them looking at them with a look of despair and anguish, Will who had remained still, without saying anything, just looking at her, he got up from where he was and sat next to Eleven closer, while he approached her and said in a low voice, making sure that no one but her heard him.

- What was that? what they talked about while I was there, I could feel it - Will told her, with a worried and surprised tone, Eleven froze, for a moment, she had forgotten that due to the connection between the Upside Down and Will, due to The Mind Flayer was still active, it was clear that since Vecna was the original cause of everything, Will should feel Henry.

- What did you feel? - asked Eleven tentatively, she had to know something, something that was slowly eating away at her, since she managed to regain consciousness, Will was thoughtful for a good moment, Eleven had to know if what she felt was real, it was not a product of her imagination, nor the heat of the moment.

- I felt a great confusion, surprise... but I also felt sadness, was strange, lately I have been able to feel his emotions, I have felt angry, too angry, but I never felt sadness on his part and that makes me think, yes that sadness has something to do with you, well, you told us, that You and He had history together in the past, when you were younger - He said while looking at her with some doubt and concern, Eleven knew that Will was worried about what this conversation could cause her, given the great trauma she had received from that incident and recovering her memories mechanically, does not take away the horror, suffering and fear, which caused that trauma, much less forget the bitterness of feeling that all this was his fault.

- I was just exchanging a few words with him, to distract him from trying to kill Max, so I had to use some data that we both know very well, to disorient him, he must have gotten nostalgic about that, yes. He should miss his physical form, nothing else happened, I promise. -I knew she wasn't being entirely honest but I didn't feel like it was a big deal, telling her that she and Vecna had shared intimacy, you know sentimental things, it wasn't normal, they were things that didn't happen given the circumstances, wouldn't it be productive to tell her brother about this? yes, it could be said that way, because they have lived together for a few long months and have taken care of each other, protected each other like brothers, something normal.