The cat's out of the bag (no one sees the cat tho)

Start from the beginning

His grandfather.

Fleamont Potter.

Harry felt his eyes sting. He then scoffed.

Harry muttered, "This is ridiculous," A man who he never knew. A man who he never heard talk or laugh. A man who he never spoke to. Is making him cry. A man who he never got to meet.

It seemed that Harry was staring a bit to hard as the boy turned around and then locked eyes with Harry. Fleamont's eyes widened and then passed a look of confusion and... recognition?

And then he frowned when he caught sight of Harry's state.

"Harry!" A hand shook his shoulder roughly, "Are you okay?"

Harry turned away from Fleamont and faced Altair,"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," Harry said shakily.

This caught the attention of the Hufflepuffs sitting near them who were now all looking at him in concern.

"Looks like you just zoned out there," said Elija.

Altair grabbed Harry's plate and started filling it up with food, "Here, how about you get some food in you." Harry was startled at his fowardness.

"Breakfast won't last forever. And then you'll be in Transfiguration wishing you had ate something when your stomach won't stop growling loudly and-," Altair stopped his rambling when he caught sight of Harry's blank stare.

"Calm down there Altair," said Casper turning to Harry , "He tends to ramble a lot. Be prepared for his ramblings of torture. Some even say that he rivals Professor Binns!" Casper said with a serious face.

Harry laughed. This brought down the tension that had been placed in the Hufflepuff table.

"No but seriously, eat." Altair said while pointing his finger at Harry's plate.

Harry started taking small bites out of his toast. They continued telling Harry about classes, Professors and anything they deemed Harry should now.

Slytherin table p.o.v.

Tom sat in his place at the far left of the Slytherin table, closest to the Great Hall doors, surrounded with his followers. All thanks to the Slytherin hierarchy.

"Oh look there's the new Hufflepuff," pointed out Nott as he saw the new boy walk with Brown, Jones and Diggory.

"What was his name?" Asked Muliciber.

"I believe Professor Slughorn introduced him this morning as Harrison Evans," informed Nott while taking a bit of his bacon with a knife and fork.

"Yeah, I heard from Goshawk that Professor Bolt also introduced a Harrison Evans to the Ravenclaws," Added Malfoy.

"A mudblood then," sneered Rosier, immediately taking his eyes off the new Hufflepuff, deciding he was not worth his attention.

"I wouldn't be so quick to judge Evans," said Orion Black.

Riddle who had also been watching him take his seat asked, "Why is that, Orion?"

"I overheard the Professors talking of him after I finished my prefect duties. They all seem majorly fond of him and mentioned him facing Grindewald's supporters ," This caught all their attention, Tom's especially.

"Really?" Tom raised an eyebrow and turned to look at Evans who seemed to not make any move of putting food on his plate unlike his peers. Probably first day jitters.

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