"Its ok! Don't worry-" Shaira was again rudely intruppted by the girl who was now dragging her to somewhere.

"Woah.. Where are you taking me?" Shaira asked but the girl did not say anything.

After five minutes, they were standing in front of the infirmary. The girl dragged her inside where there was teacher.

"What happened to her?" the teacher asked.

"She bumped into me and scraped her knee." the girl said nonchalantly

"Oh ! wait here, I will come with first aid kit" The teacher said.

"Thankyou for helping me here." Shaira smiled at her.

"You don't have to. I got a free pass to bunk first class." The girl said with poker face.

The silence after that was awkward when the teacher was searching god knows what.

"So what's your name?" Shaira asked.

"Sabrina Collins" She said looking straight at her.

"Cute name." Shaira smiled

"And what's yours?" Sabrina asked arching her one eyebrow.

"Shaira" She replied.'

"Shaira what?" Sabrina asked wanting her full name.

"Shaira Vanedestine" Shaira said reluctantly.

"Yours is intimidating." Sabrina said with the same straight face which made Shaira laugh.

There conversation was interrupted by teacher whoput bandage on the knee. Shaira thanked her and they both left the infirmary.

"Are you new?" Shaira asked.

"Yes " Sabrina said

"In the mid sem?" Shaira asked.

"Unfortunately yes." Sabrina said

"You don't talk much." Shaira said

"Yes.." sabrina rolled her eyes.

"Me too!" Shaira smiled cheeky

"Doesn't seem like it." Sabrina said

"Trust me most of the time I do!" Shaira said giving her a cheshire smile.

Which only got a nod from other girl.

" Anyways, where's your class? I will guide you as a thanks for helping me." Shaira said

"It's class 12 A." Sabrina said.

"That's good! We are in same class." Shaira said

"Lets go now." This time dragging Sabrina with her.


Shaira was down to home now. Well in her room, after coming to school. Even eating her lunch there. She was not in the mood to face any other Vanedestine now. But the idea of real talk was still fresh in her mind.

"This is the last time. Lets end this today!" Shaira thought and knocked the door of Dexton office.

"Come in." Dexton voice came out of another side of office door.

Shaira was nervous. She does not like to talk to him simply because he is scary.

She opened the door and saw Dexton sitting on his desk with his chin resting on both hands and staring directly at her.

"Is there any problem?" Dexton asked knowing very well why she had come here.

"No just wanted to talk about something" Shaira said rubbing her palm out of nervousness.

"Sit." Dexton said pointing towards the couch in his lavish office taking his own seat on other.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Dexton asked as soon as he sat on the sofa and folded his legs making him more intimidating.

"I want to ask if I am getting my custody papers signed now or not." Shaira said looking straight in his eyes like nervous Shaira was not there like a minute ago.

It was her mixed personality-in her opinion. She would be nervous wreck all day but when it comes to protecting herself she will become tigress which had come out of her shell.

"I could not sign it for you." Dexton sighed.

"But why?" Shaira asked. Her eyes showing weird frustration.

"I am not your legal guardian." Dexton said making Shaira eyes widen.

"Say what?" Shaira shouted making Dexton arched a eyebrow towards her.

Shaira cleared her throat.

"Then who is my legal guardian?" Shaira asked.

"Don't tell me its-" Shaira screamed in her mind.

"Mr Aestus Vanedestine." Dexton replied.

God take me now please!

Well that's all for this chapter. Don't forget to share your thoughts and shower your love.

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Also if you got any time. Check my another book
"The one and only"
Trust me you will not regret that.

Ly bye.

Drowning In The Dark (Broken Heirs #1)Where stories live. Discover now