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Aaron's POV:


"WHAT HAPPENED" I shouted running towards Emily's side.

"I don't know, I just found her here. She was shot" JJ Cried still holding pressure to Emily's gunshot wound.

As soon as JJ told me she had been shot I quickly reached for my gun and held it out in front of me.

I slowly looked around the parking lot, trying to see if I could find the shooter or any clues to help figure out who was behind it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move.

"You guys stay with Em until help comes. I think I saw something move over there" I say in a hushed tone . 

As I start to head towards where I saw movement when I hear Morgan say "do you want backup hotch".

"No stay here with Emily I will be fine" I whispered I back.

When I get closer to where I saw movement I see them watching Emily, Morgan and JJ. "FBI turn around with your hands in the air" I yelled. The shooter ran. "STOP" I yelled even louder.

He kept running so I chased after him. This was the second floor car park so he shooter started to run down the stairs to get to the first floor.

I managed to catch him in time and pushed him down the flight of stairs. When we both got to the bottom I rolled him over to see who it was.

"Well well well. Agent Hotchner long time no see" The shooter said with a wicked grin and punch me in the face.

Then everything went black.

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