Forgiven or Not

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Arron's POV:

I normally love watching her sleep but I just could not bring myself to look at her. she had slapped me in front of the whole team. Well to be fair I did deserve it but did she have to make me look weak in front of the whole team?

Everyone was staring at me it was like I was back at high school as 'that kid who didn't belong'.

---------------- 10 minutes later ---------------

"WHAT DO YOU ALL WANT" I yelled a bit too loud when I realized that the team were all still looking at me. Crap I thought to my self I had woken Emily up.

Emily's POV:

"WHAT DO YOU ALL WANT" I heard my fiancé shout across the jet.

"why are you shouting babe" I said while looking at him. I could see the tears building up in his eyes. He didn't reply.

"Guys, please stop looking at Arron. Babe come over here please." I said not taking my eyes of him. I could tell I had really hurt his feelings and embarrassed him. I noticed that he had hesitated before coming and sitting next to me.

I had move seats so he could sit next to the window so the team could not look at him. I could tell that they were judging him.

"I'm sorry" I whispered "I love you" he still wasn't looking at me so I decided that I would continue my nap and I rested me head on his shoulder. 

He kissed my head and whispered back "I love you too" I smiled and when to sleep.

Arron's POV:

I do love her, more than anything but why was it so hard to tell her.

'I'm not a good enough boyfriend she will hate I don't deserve her' I keep thinking over and over again. Then it slipped out in a low whisper "I don't deserve her" I hadn't even realized that I said that till she moved her head to face mine and said "no I don't deserve you" and then she planted a kiss on my cheek.

--------------------1 hour later--------------------

"Hey we will be landing in a couple of minutes so you need to get up" I smiled. She sighed but got up.

 Then the plane Landed.

struggles - a hotchniss storyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora