Curious Minds (Kitty + Maddie)

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Madeline Hatter Pov

I looked over to Kitty's bed - and with bed I mean tree that she sleeps on - and was shocked to see that she wasn't there, or anywhere else in the dorm. I saw a strange figure out on the balcony floor, and it became clear to me that the figure was person and the person was Kitty - stargazing. I walked out onto the balcony and due to the noise of the door, Kitty glanced at me swiftly before looking back at the stars. Her eyes weren't self-satisfied or devious, like they often times were, but instead there was a sort of sadness laying behind them. 

"I thought you'd be taking a cat nap by now, what are you doing up?" I asked her curiously as I laid down next to her. I turned to look at her and met her eyes looking back at me. We both smiled at each other and simultaneously looked back at the dark sky. Her answer to my question was another question - which, of course, is the best type of answer. "Do you ever look at the stars, Maddie?" She asked, so vaguley that it was clear something was on her mind, but I couldn't be sure what. "All the time" I answered plainly. She responeded immediately saying "No, I mean really look at them. Take in all that they are." . Her eyes were practically glued to the sky, and mine were switching between that and her. I tried to have one eye on each, but it didn't fix the problem since the eyes were just switching with each other. 

"What's got you all poetic? Don't tell me you've been hanging out with the Blue Catterpillar again!" I said, which made her giggle a bit, which in turn made me happy. I love making her laugh. 

"I was just thinking of some... things" she said quietly, and then left the words hanging around for a bit. We both stared up at the stars, the big dark sky, and I wondered if we were truly looking at the same thing or not. What was she looking at. What did she see. Which shining dots stood out to her.

Eventually I jumped on another train of thought, and had to break the silence. "I love the constellations" I said, smiling at the sky. Kitty smiled too and snickered slightly as she said "Remember when we used to make up our own?". Of course I do. "I still do" I told her and pointed at the sky "Look, there's a shoe!". She tried to find where I was looking but I moved my hand again before she got the chance to find it. "And look over there! That's a three-headed bear riding a stressed unicycle! Over to the left!" I shouted excitingly. "Oh, I see it!" She exclaimed happily. 

She breathed out and started giggeling to herself as she said "I love this, the madness".  The generality of her statement confused me. "This". "Madness"

"We're always mad" I responed calmly, and turned toward her. She turned to me as well and said "Yeah, but...". She sighed and turned back towards the sky before she continued. "No one at Ever After High understands it. I know my tricks go a bit far sometimes but that was always okay in Wonderland! It was encouraged! Here people just hate me" she said and chuckled. I watched all the ways her face changed while talking. How she'd smile at the thought of Wonderland, and how quickly that would smile would fade away. My thoughts travelled back to her words, and I suppose I'm not suprised, but... I still didn't expect her to feel like that.

"I don't hate you" I said plainly, and she looked at me again. "I know. But you don't count" she said cheekily, with a smile. "I know" I said proudly. Of course I don't count. I know I don't count. I'm so happy I don't count. 

"I get what you're saying, I mean, I feel that way too sometimes" I said shyly. "Yeah, but for you it's different, right, everyone likes you!" she said and turned towards me again. I felt shivers going across my body listening to those words, and I felt her eyes on me, studying my face as I had studied hers.

"Sure, they like me, but they just see me as 'the mad one', 'the crazy one', 'the abso-tutely bonkers one'" I responded truthfully. I hadn't talked about that with anyone. Maybe because I felt like no one would understand. But I hoped - I sincerely hoped - that Kitty would. 

"But you are mad! You are crazy, and I love that- you love that!" She exclaimed with a smile that slowly eased away in the pause. "Don't you?" She asked and swallowed harshly, and I could see her body tensen up slightly. 

"Of course I do!" I exclaimed quickly, trying to calm her down. That wasn't changing any time soon. "But... No one ever listens to me, no one ever believes me, and when I save the day, it's just called dumb luck!" I said passionately - because I was passionate about it. Ever since I came to Ever After High, I can't deny the fact that I feel like a bit of an outsider. I love my life here, but, I still really miss Wonderland. The nonsense in beauty, and the beauty of the nonsense - it was amazing. I can't really talk about it with Raven because she'd just be feeling guilty about her mom's curse, so I really love talking to Kitty. More than I thought I did. 

"You have a point" Kitty acknowledged, and we both looked to the sky. 

"You know, it would really help if you told people you can hear the narrators, too" I pointed out.

"You know I couldn't make things that much easier for you" she responded tauntingly, and we both let out a quiet snicker.

"Same old Kitty" I said, turning my whole body towards her.

"Same old Maddie" she responded, doing  the same. "I'll always be here for you" she said, with her piercing blue eyes sharing contact with mine.

"I know" I said cheekily, before continuing "You're a great friend, Kitty".

"You're a better one"

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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