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"shut up u piece of shit" you say while hitting the alarm clock and getting up to the bathroom to brush ur teeth after ur done u go to ur room.

"Damn it, where is my concealer!" u say looking around for ur makeup u get up with a mean look on ur face "DONNA" u shout in her doorway "what?" she says confused "UR USING MY STUFF WITHOUT ASKING!" u say grabbing the concealer out of her hand "thank you" u say with a sarcastic smile and go in ur room and do ur makeup. u throw on a white tank top and black oversized sweater and some black yoga pants with loose ankles at the bottom and some black converse. u grab ur airpods and ur phone and start walking out with ur sister donna.

ur listening to "somewhere only we know, by keane" and u feel someone touch ur shoulder u jumped and turn around "FINNEY! Don't do that!" it's finney and gwen finney laughs and we walk to school. before we can go in we see a bunch of kids in a circle saying "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" u and everyone else runs up to it and pushes the kids out the way. "hey isn't that robin arellano?" u say asking finney "hell yeah it is" he says sounding upset "HOLY SHIT" gwen yells making u turn back to the fight ur eyes widened "he punching the shit out of him" u say robin gets up as he walks away he glances at u, u get butterflies and u feel ur face turning bright red

why am i blushing? i don't even know him that well. those thoughts run through ur mind all first period.

u go to ur locker after class u see finney running it the bathroom and u see his bullies behind him. ur in shock for a minute u see robin by his locker it across from urs. u know hes friends with finney so u go up to him. "u-uh r-robin" u say quiet and nervously "huh?" he says "finney and his bullies are in the bathroom" u say he grabs ur hand and pulls u in the bathroom with him. "dipshits move" he says u he grabs ur hand and brings u by the sink trying to clean his knuckles from the previous fight "sup finn, what happening?" "yk just keeping on, keeping on i guess" "mhm, moose got some damn sharp teeth. knuckles lit all first period" "here let me" u say watching him struggle "wait! fuck with finn again, i fuck with u.
u can leave now" robin says "this is gonna hurt like a bitch so u can squeeze my hand" u say with alcohol in ur hand "i don't wanna hurt u hermosa" he says making u blush. "FUCK!" he screamed when u pour the alcohol on his knuckles "there now i need some tape let me look in my bag. oh here it is." u say then u start wrapping his knuckles with the tape u feel him staring at u, u try not to blush but failed badly.

"here u go"u say with a smile. "thanks. hey uhm what's ur name again? heh i seen u around but never really got the chance to say anything" his say rubbing the back of his neck "im y/n see u around, arellano." u say walking out off the bathroom and going to ur next class.

~~~time skip~~~

ur walking home with donna, finney and gwen but ur listening to music with ur airpods in. U feel ur airpod get pulled out "what the fuck finn- oh r-robin" u say nervously "what are u listening to?" his says while putting the airpod in his ear "what song is this?" he ask while his eyes widened open

keep ur hands right there, i popped 2 more shes in my mind somewhere

"it's renegade by aaryan shah" u say blushing "i love it" he says while pulling out his phone and looks the song up on apple music and adds it to his playlist.

keep ur eyes on mine. and if u want i'll tell u lies,
tell u im yours for life and tell ur friend she's next in line.

"ok these is our house guys" gwen and finney say now. it's just me and robin and donna.

"hey uhm wanna hang out at my house?" robin ask rubbing the back of his me neck "yea sure. donna just go home i'll be back later." "ok bye love u" "love u to" u say back to donna

~~~time skip~~~

we made it to robin house. "my mom won't be home all weekend she on a business trip" "oh ok nice house" u say. we go up to his room it's really awkward "hey uhm i don't know if do but do u wanna smoke?" he ask "hell yea i got some weed and wraps in my bag. here" u say pulling it out "bet" he says i give him the weed and the wrap so he can roll up a blunt. u look around and see his shoe collection "holy shit i have these" u say holding up his retro jordan 4s "for real?" "yea u have to come check out my shoe collection sometime. "wanna watch a movie?" he ask "sure but let me make a call real quick. where is ur bathroom?" u say "over there to ur left" he says "ok thanks" u call finney

f: hello?
Y: guess what
f: what?
f:holy shit
Y: very much holy shit but it really awkward can u and gwen come over?
f:yea sure
Y: yay thanks
f:yass bestie love u😜
Y: bye love u to

u walk out and go back to robins room before u can go back in u hear him talking "yea babe, yea u can come over"

oh "babe".. i guess he has a girlfriend i should have known i mean look at him why wouldn't he have a girlfriend.

"hey uhh robin can finney and gwen come over. it really awkward and it'll be even more awkward with ur girlfriend over here soo?" "yea they can come" "ok good cus they were coming anyway" u say laughing. he laughs but not a fake laugh and actual laugh. "oh so u heard the call huh?" he asks "yea it's wasn't really a surprise that u have a girlfriend., i mean look at y-..nvm" u say getting nervous and feel ur face get red "i mean what?" he say coming closer, u can't even hold it in anymore ur blushing so hard, ur inches away from each other faces. U have to look up to look at him and he has to look down to look at u. he gets closer u think he's about to kiss u but he whispers something in ur ear that gives u goosebumps "do i make u nervous hermosa?" u don't say anything until he grabs ur upper arm and whispers again but more aggressive and hotter "answer me, do i?" u feel his breathing on ur neck
"i-i uhm- yea u d-do" u say nervous and quiet, ur face is red hot. "u know what i can't do that u have a girlfriend, just forget about this. oh i hear someone knocking it must be finney" u hurry and rush down and open the door it was "grace hopper?" u say with a mean mug on ur face shes been bullying u ever sense u moved here. "wtf where is my boyfriend?" "right here babe" he says "oh hey finney and gwen" u push grace out the way and bring them.

~~~time skip~~~

"LET PLAY TRUTH OR DARE" gwen yells, we all agreed we were all in a circle robin and grace in front of u and finney one side of u and gwen on the other side. U couldn't help but look at robin and grace he had his arm around her with her face on his chest he seen u staring and winks at u making u blush but she looks at him and kisses him and that made u fall apart "uhm u guys can play im be back i have to call my mom i'll be back" but robin knew something was wrong with u and he look at u with a worried face he grabs his phone and gets up and follows u. ur crying u don't even notice his in there with u until u hear the song that made u realize u liked him
renegade by aaryan shah u look up and see him.
grabs u and pulls u up to him. looking him in the eye with his hands on ur waist...

1499 words

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