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Matilda ran her fingers over the dashboard of the old Dodge Charger as it rumbled away from the curb. She gazed at Emily as the car got up to speed, then said, "I love this car."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Emily said with a wide smile.

"It must be love, if Marcello is letting you drive his baby. He doesn't even let his brothers drive it."

"Really?" Emily's smile widened.

"To be fair, Lou doesn't have a good record when it comes to driving."

"Wow, I'm suddenly very nervous. My ex wouldn't let me drive his crappy old Honda," Emily said as she checked the mirrors.

"He got it years ago when he was in high school, as soon as he got his license, and used it to deliver pizzas for Lou. There's a picture of it in the back office at the diner from before he had it restored last year. Lou says he hardly ever takes it out of the garage."

"Really??? Is he crazy? Why did he let me drive it?"

"Love!" Matilda giggled. "It must be love."

Laughter filled the passenger compartment and turned to idle conversation as the car wound its way towards Rachelle's house.

"I stayed at Marcello's place last night and he had to take the Urus into the dealership this morning to get a nail removed from a tire. So I was waiting for him to come back when you called. I didn't have my car so he told me to get you in this."

"Ooo, his new Lamborghini! Is it nice?"

"It looks nice but when we were leaving to pick me up for dinner last night he noticed the flat tire, so I haven't actually ridden in it yet. We'll all ride to the resort in it. He's going to meet us at my place, or I guess, my mom's place. I have to grab my things."

"When he told me he was selling his Audi to get a Lamborghini, I was thinking he was getting one of those super cars, not an SUV."

"Me too! But, I think it suites him better," Emily replied. "Oh, we should probably tell Bill to meet us there too. He's probably wondering what's happening."

While Matilda dialed Bill's number, she gazed over at Emily and smiled. "Staying over at his place? So, things are going good with the two of you, I am guessing."

"He's letting me drive his baby so I guess you could say that."

Minutes passed and Rachelle's house was just a few steps up the walk from the curb. Matilda followed Emily in and waited in the living room while Emily collected her things from her bedroom. She saw the freshly painted walls adorned with photos but felt it wasn't appropriate to have a closer look. So, she waited and gazed at her phone until the sound of the back door opening caught her attention. She slipped her phone in her pocket and trained her eyes on passageway between the living room and kitchen.

"Oh, Matilda, dear," Rachelle said as she entered from the kitchen. "I didn't see Bill's car when I drove up."

"Emily picked me up. She's upstairs getting her things for our get away. How are you?" Matilda said as she moved further into the room to receive Rachelle's warm hug.

"I am well, thank you. Oh, if Bill isn't here, it's a perfect time to show you some embarrassing photos. Come. Quick."

Rachelle guided Matilda to the fireplace where a display of photos lined the mantle. It was odd yet sweet that she had a baby photo of Bill, a boy that was not her own. But Matilda understood the bond she shared with him. A son she never had, a boy she helped raise.

"Sorry it's a little cluttered. We usually have some of these on the wall but Patrick needs to get some new hooks. Oh, this one... he was five."

Matilda studied the photo and began to laugh. The image was of Bill standing in the river, fully dressed with a bike barely visible under the surface of the water. His hand gripped the end of the handlebar that poked up from the river. "So that's what the joking was all about."

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