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A/N: I'm really really sorry this took too long and it's not even that well written so I'm very sorry to disappoint you, this is all I can do for now. I will probably be writing a special chapter to make up for the bad writing in this chapter. I hope even in the tiniest way, you'll enjoy this.


"Choi Soobin! Where's the dragon fruit that I wanted?" Yeonjun wailed from their room, caressing his baby bump as he tried to look for his mate.

Soobin hurriedly went towards his omega's voice, his mind calculating every possible outcome as to how he would explain to Yeonjun that he wasn't able to find a dragon fruit at 3:00 a.m. in the morning with literally no humans in sight along the road.

"Love, I'm really sorry but every shops I went to are closed and-"

"I don't care! Get me a dragon fruit or I will kick your face!" Yeonjun cried again, tears streaming down his face as frustration sipped through his mind.

Soobin immediately held his mates face, wiping away Yeonjun's tears while he tried to sooth him.

"Calm down, baby. I will get you your dragon fruit mmh? please don't cry, it hurts me seeing you cry." Soobin said slowly, not trying to upset his partner even more.

Yeonjun nodded, his right hand not leaving his tummy as if he's trying to calm himself by touching their child inside him.

When Yeonjun finally stopped crying, Soobin guided him towards their bed, kissing the omega's forehead and cheeks while he grabbed his phone on his pocket dialing someone. Soobin was about to go out to talk to the person he dialed on his phone Yeonjun grabbed his hands refusing to let go while pouting like a child.

"Don't leave me, alpha. I feel like crying if I don't see you."

Soobin only smiled in admiration because why the actual fuck is his omega so fucking pretty and cute? He's so pretty and he's mine

"I'll have this call first, my love, then we can cuddle and do whatever you want. I promise I'll get you that dragon fruit you wanted."

"Fine, If you don't comeback in 5 minutes me and the baby will cry." The omega grumbled as Soobin pat his head.

Soobin walked out of the room, calling the person he needed to talk, for the second time. Understandable though that he wasn't able to answer because it's still 3 in the morning but if this person don't pick up his call, he will literally bite his leg off.

"What?" The other side finally answered, sounding like he just woke up which he probably is.

"Taehyun, get me a dragon fruit. If you're not here with a dragon fruit in 10 minutes, I will ruin your life." Soobin threatened, not like he's actually gonna do it but anyways.

"Fucking hell, interrupting my rest and threatening my life. Talk about power imbalance."

"Shut up. Go." Soobin ended.

Soobin went back to their room shortly after to assess his sulking omega for a reason he doesn't know of. Goddamn, my patience was never this long, how did I go through this everyday? Perhaps I'm just so in love.

"You took so long." Yeonjun complained.

"I was only away for like 3 minutes."

"It doesn't matter, you left me, your mate, your pregnant mate, do you not love me anymore? Am I too ugly now that I gained weight?" Yeonjun asked trying to wipe away his tears that seemed to be always bursting out these days.

"No no love, I was just trying to make a call. I'm not leaving you and I will never leave you. You're the prettiest omega in my eyes, no one will ever compete to your beauty. I have my eyes only for you and only you."

And with that affirmation, Yeonjun finally calmed down, he continued wiping his tears as Soobin laid him down the bed and laid next to him caressing his baby bump.

"Binnie, I want to go to the mall." Yeonjun muttered a few seconds after he laid down.

"Sleep first my love, you haven't been sleeping well these days." Soobin replied as he moved his face closer to the omega's chest

They snuggled up close to each other, feeling each other's warmth, they fit each other like a puzzle, like they were actually made only for each other, like one of them can't be complete without the other.


Soobin woke up 8 minutes after when he heard their doorbell ring intensively. He hurriedly but slowly, making sure not to wake up his yeonjun, went out of his way to open the motherfucker who tried to ruin his oh so precious sleep.

"What the fu-"

"Here's the dragon fucking fruit you fucking wanted. Now, let me sleep in your guest room fucking hell I'm so fucking sleepy i almost had an accident because I slept as i was driving." Taehyun muttered aggressively, cutting soobin off and pushing him out of the way as if he owns the house.

Taehyun went straight to their guest room without waiting for Soobin's answer.

Soobin just looked at Taehyun as if he've seen a ghost, totally flabbergasted.

"Oooo... kay" soobin whispered to himself.

The blue haired alpha was about to go and slice the dragon fruit for his omega when he heard yeonjun scream excruciatingly.

"Alpha! Fuck Soobin my water broke fucking hell fuckk, it hurts." Yeonjun cried in pain.

Soobin ran so fast, this is the fastest he has ever ran his whole life.

"Fuck fuck soobin I can't anymore, bring me to the hospital already."

"yes baby, I'm sorry l-let's go" Soobin stuttered in nervousness as if he's the one who's about to give birth.

He carried Yeonjun towards his car in the safest and fastest way possible. Before he could actually drive out the house he called taehyun and screamed on his phone that he should follow them to the hospital bringing all the necessities for the baby and for Yeonjun.

"Fuck, I couldn't even have a day in peace." The poor smaller alpha complained but hurriedly followed them to the hospital. Besides being annoyed and restless, he's very excited for both Soobin and Yeonjun. He's happy that his friends are happy. Now, the only final thing left is how he's going to inform the other two omegas about this when he knows they'll probably faint out of excitement.


A/N: WOOOOHHH that was definitely a ride for me, thank u for being with me throughout writing my very first book!! Thanks alot! mwamwa <333

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