• Dark Descent (Part 1) •

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Claw leaned his back on the wall, facing the bars that held him from making his next bold move, a position much more comfortable than the cold metal bed beside him. He planned to escape and tell Sweetie about everything. It was a decision that may cost him their connection but the worst required the best solution. However, it was far from the worst, for a shepherd broke all his expectations.

"I should've left him to burn." He regretted his actions, placing his paws on his temple while he groaned. The frustration bubbled inside him and his heart was running a marathon. He whipped every cell in his brain to work and make a plan. Lives were at stake, both being princesses, by the hands and paws of what everyone expected differently, considering their reputation. Their teaming up was the perfect alibi and they could easily throw Claw under the bus just to hide their intentions. After all, he was a criminal in everyone's eyes, capable of the absolute evil of plans when really, he just wanted peace. That and spend his time with Sweetie.

"Aren't you a sad little potato?"

The voice shot electricity into the pup's ears, raising his head to observe the dressed shepherd. "What are you doing here? Didn't you go out to get some fresh air?"

"I did more than that, Claw. You have no idea what I'm planning." Chase sat down before him, his eyelids hooded over his pupils as he wore a cocky grin. "Tell me, why did you accept The Duke's contract? Couldn't you have just burned him to keep whatever secret you have hidden?"

"I may be determined but I am no murderer. All I yearned for was peace and quiet in my treehouse, as well as the occasional bond with Sweetie and everyone's safety. Another thing, if he ever tried to attempt to hurt The Princess of Barkingburg and somehow got Sweetie involved, I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself."

The Dobermann harnessed intense irritation from the replying laugh. If he could get his paws on him, he would make sure Chase would be sorry for choosing the wrong.

"That backfired in the most awkward manner then." Chase stuck his tongue out, teasing, infuriating, destroying Claw's state of calm. "Sweetie is beautiful, isn't she?"

Claw threw daggers. "Keep her name out of your corrupt—"

"Yeah, Sweetie had always been the type of pooch to rile males up. I personally find her appealing as a partner, but I have to make her vulnerable first." Chase placed a paw on his cheek to lean his head and rest over, growing a sickening curve on his face. "She cares about you, but if you were to disappear, the villain, I'll make sure to have her see what's right as the hero. Your execution date, tomorrow, would be the same day The Princess of Barkingburg shall be slain. Through that, I'll break Sweetie piece by piece until she sees nothing and runs towards me, in which I'll whisper in her ears the words she'll long for; words she would do anything to witness audibly again and again and again in her final lunge for hope. She'll love me, she would have no choice, and I'll enjoy every moment of her desperate pleas. A pup should always beg for her master's comfort."

"You psychopath," Claw spat.

"I consider myself mentally unique. None of this would have happened if you were strong, Claw. However, you're only feared because of Sparks. Without him, you are nothing."

Claw indeed wished for strength. Strength to pry those bars open and tear the smug look off of Chase's face, but not after pummeling him to the point of unrecognizable.

Claw retracted his growls. "You say 'execution'?"

"Why yes!" Chase's head perked up. "It seems that The Duke has no need of you anymore. You are a thorn in his side. By the way, the suggestion of that idea came from me."

"After everything I did for you?" Claw was calmer, he had to keep his thinking straight. What he wanted to do was use his captured, vulnerable state as a ruse to get information. It's the least he could do at the moment. "Why are you doing this?"

"I said it clearly already. I want Sweetie. I've admired her for quite some time now and I promise you, I'll make her experience what love truly is, enough so that she'll forget your very existence. The Duke promised her to me so long as I do my task. We'll have a meeting with everyone later to make sure the plan goes smoothly."

If the Duke doesn't suspect anything happened to Chase, nothing will happen to Sweetie. They also have a meeting, which means there are more than two of them. Claw kept an expressionless gaze, resisting the temptation to lunge at Chase and grab his neck, even as he came closer to mock his inability, although he couldn't promise he wouldn't. The shepherd was faster and more athletic, that was a given. However, Claw was certain that he himself had more experience on the field than any goody-two-shoes that wore blue. He had to survive by playing dirty when he was still an official knight. Trickery and cunning was his way out… and a little bit of luck.

"Please, don't do this, Chase. What about the PAW Patrol?"

Chase grabbed the cell keys that hung from the wall behind him, circling it around his paw. "What about them? They don't even know what's happening here. Even if they did, it'll take a few hours before they arrive. If you're asking about how I feel in regards to them, they're pretty pathetic of a family. I wanted to live the high life yet I was stuck with them."

"That's not the Chase I know who always stopped me from my plans before." Claw stared into the shepherd's eyes, who leaned over, shrugging.

"And to think you know people… well, pups. Not everything is what it seems—"

Paws took hold of Chase's shoulders, pulling him into the bars with a crash that made him yelp. Claw made sure to keep his grip ironclad, turning the pup around before sliding an arm around Chase's neck, and he used his other forearm to keep his hold locked for a submission.

"Let… go…"

Claw was deaf from the pleading words, pain in his limbs as Chase tried to scratch his hold away. If he escaped, there wouldn't be a second chance… until the struggle stopped.

"Just kidding."

Fear engulfed Claw as his arms were forced out of the lock. How strong Chase was had never been calculated in his mind, although he never thought he was strong enough to get out of his hold with ease. All Claw could do was resist in futility as Chase slowly took over, turning around to face him and smile sadistically. Claw was pulled into the bars, losing air from his throat in one swift hold before an impact struck him on his cheek, sending him falling backwards into the ground, coughing.

"Your tricks don't work on me!"

Claw raised his head to catch Chase dusting himself. Suddenly, the shepherd's eyes went wide and he turned his head everywhere, trying to find something.

"Where is it? Where is it?" The shepherd panicked, only to huff in a few seconds before the sound of keys jingling was recognized once more, facing the Dobermann. "I'll admit, you got me worried for a second there," he said, in which Claw growled, pain resonating from the recent blow. "You better behave now. If not, I won't bring you your last meal."

With that, Chase padded away, laughing to himself. Another laughter joined him when he reached the corner, presumably The Duke that watched everything from the sidelines. He probably wanted to watch Chase, still unable to fully trust him. Claw trusted that he was the real villain after their conversation, though.

Sitting up, he rested his back against the wall once more, attempting to form a plan if he ever got the chance to escape. Sweetie was his top priority but the Princess of Barkingburg was the center target. Knowing that, he couldn't do everything alone. If only Sparks was there, they could easily fight off any army and put the battle in court, before Their Highness herself.

"I hate this plan already," he said to himself, raising his paw to his muzzle before clicking on the button of the pup-tag with a star icon on it. "PAW Patrol? This is Claw, the banished knight of Barkingburg. I need your help."

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