• Knight's Blood: Burn Flamboyantly! •

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A woman shrieked. "Dragon!" The whole crowd dispersed and the ground trembled as the serpentine creature bellowed, its giant slit pupils peering and searching around for what one could only presume as his rider.

Claw failed to understand what was happening. However, he was sure it was a positive return after all the problems he had faced. There was only one dragon who would dare show itself to humans.

"Pull the lever!" The Duke said, yet the executioner stood frozen in place, staring at the fire beast that could well roast him if it wanted to. "You meager man, out of my way!"

The man in blue was bashed in his chest by a shoulder, falling down the stage with a pained groan. He immediately stood up and ran, snapped out of his fear response.

Claw gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, the sound of a switch and the whirring of rope entering his ears in anticipation of the worse, yet he felt nothing. Peeking an eye, the blade failed to strike down the feeble neck of the Dobermann.

Chase stood up in outrage. "Duke, it's rigged. We have a traitor among us!"

The deafening roar of the winged beast was the battle cry for Claw to make his stand. With a claw and his limbs mistakenly allowed movement, he picked the guillotine's lock. After a click, he pushed himself off of the contraption, vengeful for all he had been through as he shot daggers at Chase and The Duke, both unable to move.

"Sparks, to me!"

Raising a paw, the crimson dragon flew into the air before laying down in front of the stage, and Claw took slow steps onto his seat, looking down at those who did him wrong.

"Ten seconds. One… two…"

Everyone knew what Claw meant, their reaction swift. The Duke jumped down the stage and ran into an alleyway while the princess was left standing there in fright. However, Chase was impossibly tough in both body and mind, pulling Sweetie by the paw before he dragged her to his parked vehicle across the panicking waves of people. Tossing Sweetie on the backseat and revving his rig full force, as loud as it can be, he launched into the city.

"Eight… nine… and ten."

Claw already made his decision on who to pursue. He stared at The Princess of Barkingburg for a good moment before pulling the reins for Sparks to fly. After a single flap, they flew off after the shepherd. Nothing mattered more to him but Sweetie, for because of him, she was at the center of the danger.

It took only a few minutes for him to catch up with the shepherd. However, what one would usually think that a dragon would be faster than a car would be put in shame. It took extensive effort for Claw to even remotely tail behind the shepherd. The cityscape made it hard for Chase to maneuver through traffic, that was his only advantage.

"Come on, Chase. Pup-to-pup. No more interruptions." Claw persuaded in an attempt to pry Sweetie out of the shepherd's reach. Cars crashed against one another during the pursuit, yet Chase was nimble, even launching from an improvised ramp in a construction zone to pass above a train in his way. All the time, Sweetie held tight to her seat.

Claw was restricted. The tall structures around them limited Sparks' movements and flames weren't an option with all the people around. Chase was also smart enough to turn corners, often forcing the pursuers to slow down or slam into a building. It never became the latter but there were plenty close calls.

"Where are you going?" Claw whispered to himself, retrieving the map in his head of what route Chase was taking, and he found his answer. Barkingburg's Castle. If he reached the place, Claw wouldn't be able to save Sweetie, and it'll be game over for him. Until the screeching of tires came.

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